Dice maker, gamer nerd, developer, Dolphins fan. Reddit refugee (maybe).

Still fighting the 80s 8-bit wars, one port comparison at a time.

Me on Mastodon
Me on Pixelfed

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This!

    Coding isn’t for everyone, but sometimes you can get involved in a coding project just by contributing good suggestions/bug reports to github.

    Be thoughtful about how you report things - if you’re reporting a bug, add as much detail as you can to help the devs recreate it; if you’re suggesting a feature, make a solid case for why the application might benefit from it, think about potential issues it might solve (or cause), consider how you might address users who don’t want that feature (make optional).

    It is extremely satisfying to see an issue you’ve reported get fixed or a feature you’ve suggested get implemented. It gives you a stake in the project, something you won’t often get on the corporate-owned platforms.

  • Honestly, don’t try to force it. I’ve been gaming for 40 years, and I’ve been through more ruts than I can count. And you know what? I’ve always come back…

    But I’ve never been able to force myself to come back. I’ve never been able to engineer a new interest, it always has to happen organically. Some new game will pique my interest out of the blue, or I’ll get see a new piece of hardware I suddenly want, or I’ll wake up one morning and really want to get into speed running Dark Souls. And then, just like that, I’m back in it and as enthusiastic as ever.

    Interests come and go. It’s probably more a product of everything else in your life than the games themselves. So just let it ride, find something else to do with your time, and you’ll be back gaming before you know it.

  • Like everyone else, I mostly remember being amazed by both the graphics and the price. Nobody I knew had one, except one guy who acquired it using money he’d raised through, shall we say, illicit means. As such, he kept it under his bed all the time in case his parents ever found out and nobody saw it. Come to think of it, he may have been making the whole thing up…

    As mentioned elsewhere, this was the first system I was enthusiastic about emulating.

  • I’m almost reluctant to post suggestions about what I’d like to see on Lemmy/kbin. It feels kind of entitled, you know? It’s early days and there are obviously lots more important things to get stable and established first. Not to mention the devs are doing this for free and about to come under a lot of pressure. As a dev myself, used to listening to users making subjective demands about the “right” direction to take an app, I fully sympathise :)

    That said, my offerings for the suggestion pile would be:

    1. Discoverability - finding and joining communities isn’t intuitive at the moment. This seems to be a fediverse problem rather than a lemmy/kbin problem, as Mastodon has similar issues. It should be as simple as “search for a topic, hit subscribe”. Instead it involves copy pasting cryptic strings of text, editing them sometimes, then searching, and a bit of hoping. I think this will be the number one issue that impacts adoption.

    2. UX - more one for lemmy than kbin, but there are improvements that could be made to the UI to improve user experience. A general tidy up to improve visuals (things like alignment of community names without icons, for example), ordering of lists of communities, external links opening in the same tab (appreciate some prefer this, but it tends to lose your place in a feed).For kbin, easy access to your list of subscriptions would be great.

    Honestly, most of the UX stuff is low priority compared to getting the apps stable and coping with scale. I hope they figure out those wider challenges though, because there’s definitely a lot of promise here.

  • Steamdeck owner since August last year, here. And I love it… As a traditional console gamer, it’s been great to dig into my basically untouched Steam library that I’ve steadily accumulated with Humble Bundles over the last decade or more. Steam sales are a game changer… I’ve discovered so many titles I would have otherwise missed! I should say that I am 99% a docked gamer as well, and the Steamdeck works absolutely fine like this.

    In terms of games - I’ve just started Ori and the Blind Forest (currently on sale). I’m also playing Final Fantasy XIV on and off. I spent 120+ hours on Elden Ring on the deck. And I’m patiently waiting for the Dark Souls games to go on sale so I can pick them up and start yet another playthrough.