• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • What?

    Those examples are after-it-actually-happened reports of the US government actively getting corporations to do what they want.

    Get your head out of the sand.

    I don’t trust China, but I’m not going to lie to myself to feel better about a political hitjob, even if Bytedance has it’s multinational corporate governance primarily under China.

    Kapersky is the example you want to point at for an example of a bad actor corp capturing classified data and sending it to an adversarial government. TikTok just trended anti-political messages for a few different popular politicians and lit a match as a result.

  • Well, now they just make you throw out the old Mac hardware and buy new for $1299 (8gb RAM lol) because it’s now out of support for the latest MacOS and the newest versions of Adobe Suite/MS Office/insert productivity work related proprietary software suite here is on board with Apple’s bullshit and won’t run on older MacOS versions.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  • This whole ‘You guys won’ take is nonsense. We have to work together or WE are all equally fucked.

    I’m gonna blow your mind here

    That is is not the smart ass revelation that you imagine it should be.

    You voted for Biden in 2020 despite his history of supporting wars that kill innocent people. He voted in favor of the Iraq War in 2003. Biden supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and reasserted the need to stay there in 2002. If you actually cared about war time deaths of innocents that Biden affects, you never would’ve supported him in the first place.

    Now, suddenly, a war not supported or instigated by Biden is what causes you to turn against him in an election where the other candidate is openly talking about murdering his opposition out of revenge?

    You just hopped on a bandwagon, one that’s been flooded with adversarial political and foreign state sponsors.

    I did what you demanded

    You did it wrong. Make your own choices and support your own agency of thoughtfulness and objective consideration. Right now, your entire decision tree is quite obviously locked into a repeating loop. If you are relying on others to tell you how to vote, you lost your way before you ever learned the game.

    Biden didn’t fund Hamas in Gaza; Biden didn’t direct Hamas to attack Israel; Biden didn’t order the IDF to respond with weapons of war; Biden hasn’t ordered or actively encouraged the Israelis to continue attacking Gaza and killing innocent people, families, and children.

    The Israeli Government and their Military is who you should be railing on 24/7 for taking part in what is tantamount genocide of the Palestinians. I know you’re not actually reading most if any of this and I should probably just hit cancel move on, but you’re really leaning in and in the off chance something may spark, might as well try. Instead, you play right into propaganda intending to destabilize the US from within by sowing discontent in an election by putting blame of foreign military actions on an incumbent President trying to thread a needle of politics and diplomacy in an election year amid a foreign country’s genocidal actions against a foreign people.

    Getting Trump re-elected may be the single most world-wide destabilizing event that could happen as a result of a strictly US political process. He already tried to dissolve NATO for Putin once.

    You want to play politics like it’s 1v1 checkers when it’s really 14,356 games of Chess at the same time, on a timer.