• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I don’t find it that hard to believe, they’re responding anonymously

    If they’re responding anonymously on the Internet, they could be anyone. We have no way of knowing whether they really are hiring managers, or whether the site doing this “poll” made it up for clicks. I’m skeptical of everything I read on the Internet, even if it comes to a conclusion I agree with.

  • dhork@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.worldA ton of job postings might actually be fake
    12 hours ago

    I’d be very interested to know what the wording was in their survey of 600 “HR managers”. Because I find it hard to believe that companies would file job posts that they never intend to fill – and then admit it in a survey. I find it more likely the Internet is trolling them

    On the other hand, I would expect companies to put up job posts that they have every intention to fill if the right candidate comes along, but structure the job requiremrnts so that precisely 10 people in the entire country are fully qualified for the well-compensated position. And then complain that they can’t fill the position while collecting everyone’s resumes and getting back to a few of them saying “That position is no longer open, would you consider this one at half the salary?”

  • It’s all statistics. It means that if we ran the 2024 election millions of times in his model, Trump would win more than Biden. But we will only get one shot, so the number is kind of useless.

    I was watching the Mets game this weekend on ESPN, and they were ahead of the Cubs by a few runs. ESPN has a tracker that estimates “Win Probability” and their model gave the Mets a 75% chance to win. But have you seen the Mets this year? They’ve blown a bunch of games late. Every Mets fan watching knew that their bullpen wasn’t good enough to merit that rating.

    The Mets did end up winning that game. (Thanks, Grimace.) But that doesn’t change the fact that no matter what math is behind their win prediction model, it just doesn’t feel right to apply statistics like that to one-off events.

  • There is an additional wrinkle if God exercises His ultimate veto on the winning candidate after the election. The winning candidate doesn’t actually win until the new Congress (on or around Jan 6) counts up the EC votes that were cast in December, and must get a majority of them. In the event that the winning candidate dies before the EC meets, all those electors have to be careful. If they split their votes, and no one candidate achieves the majority, the election for President goes to the House (where each state’s delegation gets a single vote), and VP goes to the Senate. So all the electors would have to coordinate quickly on a replacement . The logical choice is the VP candidate, of course but the coordination still has to happen.

    The Electoral Count Reform Act did make some major changes that reduces chaos when the count is taking place:

    • It increases the threshold for challenging an Electoral slate to 20% of each House, to eliminate frivolous challenges

    • In the event a challenge is upheld and their votes are tossed, it also reduces the amount of EC votes needed to get a majority.

    But still doesn’t change the fact that these challenges can occur, and if a EC slate comes in for a candidate who has died it still ultimately leaves it up to Congress to decide what to do. That would seem to be a challenge that could get to the 20% threshold.


  • Regulations on this will differ by state. The best move would be to find a local real estate lawyer. They wil instruct you on how to file all the proper paperwork with the local government, and also advise you on things you haven’t thought about, like how to structure your wills to make sure everyone is protected in the event something unfortunate happens to either of you.

    Also don’t use this private transaction as an excuse to save money to skip any steps. Go get the title search and inspection done. You don’t want any surprises. If the inspection finds a fundamental problem, you might still go through with the purchase, but at least you’ll know up front what you’re in for.