I mean, it tracks with their view of the Ukraine situation as well.
It also tracks with the general conservative mindset that the “in group” is protected by laws, but not beholden to them; while the “out group” is beholden to laws, but not protected by them.
Which all tracks with having the mindset of a toddler, free of any shred of empathy, where, until proven otherwise every other person in existence is by default just an NPC without agency or self-determination.
Really? I’m a seasoned adult-er, and I still get a little flicker of wonder when i see those lights floating in the field behind my house on summer evenings.
Man, imagine seeing a field of fireflies IRL for the first time, if you had never heard of them before! That would be pretty mindblowing.
It’s clearly a shit photoshop. No way trump’s hands are that large IRL!
Thanks I will double check that later. Reading the Trashguides, I didn’t catch that the paths had to be that identical.
It’s more than a little annoying that Radarr doesn’t throw any indication that it’s physically duplicating files rather than creating hardlinks!
Same here… vague memories of him sketching Homer and pointing out the easter egg maaany years ago, but I’ve never seen anyone else do.it before now!
Upvoted for including Matt Groening’s initials!
Wait can you expand on that a little more? I literally was just now getting ready to try and troubleshoot why my hardlinking was not working.
I was under the impression that the torrent storage and media library just needed to be in the same share, but maybe there is more to it…?
So maybe consider channeling that boredom into something productive instead of tearing down something you don’t like, that has zero tangible impact on your life.
Anyway, you’re right this is not a great interaction, so take 'er easy.
I mean, you replied twice to my comment, to let me know you weren’t worked up, so…
Also stating
passivity in the face of decline has always been the preferable option. Protecting our sacred decorum is so much more important than maintaining a critical eye and standards
makes me think you’re taking it pretty damn seriously lol
“Why can’t everyone else just hate the same things I hate!?”
Imagine being this worked up about a webcomic, shitty or otherwise.
Same here! They definitely put a fair amount of deliberate work into that aesthetic, and I’d love to see how they decorated and furnished some of those rooms.
bEcAuSe ThAt WoUlD bE uNfAiR tO tHoSe WhO dId It ThE “rIgHt” WaY
Which is, of course, a completely bullshit argument. But it nonetheless gets trotted out any time there’s a proposal to make something easier for anyone middle class or below.
Also smoked beef ribs are heavenly, and that cow has got ribs for daaaaaaaaays
Not OP, but I can answer part of your questions:
if I migrate to Jellyfin do I need to fuck around with my folder structures ? No special case just /movie/title | tv/title in my use-case with the usual arr stack for grabbing.
I have Plex and Jellyfin running off the exact same media library no problem at all. So there should be zero need to modify anything–if anything Jellyfin seems a little better at catching “extras” folders than Plex.
I don’t need remote playback for movies/tvs but I have no idea how to replace Plexamp and if you have suggestions, feel free to mention it.
The Jellyfin app plays music–but it’s definitely NOT a music app. I always hear Symfonium highly recommended, but have not yet given it a whirl myself.
Absolutely. They are not going to share metadata or things like played status, but I have been using both simultaneously since almost the first day I spun up my media server.
I definitely prefer Jellyfin overall, but Plex is more convenient for sharing with less techy family so I keep it spun up. Jellyfin also requires some finicky network configuration (so I have heard) to cast media to a Chromecast, so Plex wins out there.
What are you talking about? The 80s were only like 20 years ago!
Yeah, i know a meme is kinda flippant, but so are words from a rando on the internet… Your work is appreciated. Thanks to the work of folks like you, an old buddy got to spend an extra year or so with his wife and kids.
I imagine there is something like this in a lot of languages, but it’s always amused me that Bulgogi (Korean BBQ beef/pork) translates literally to “fire meat”
I’m happy to learn Finns have a similar word!