Just to fuck with people a bit.
As a treat
Just to fuck with people a bit.
As a treat
Don’t threaten me with a good time
Not high enough odds
Shrek is love, Shrek is life, through Shrek all things are possible
You’re right, I do them frequently but that doesn’t mean I’m good at them
You can mock them, but it won’t demoralize them, certainly not with this specific insult. They celebrate being dickish. What Democrats don’t already know that Trump and his cronies are dicks and bullies? How does it benefit Democrats? It’s not like they haven’t tried insults before. Weird, rapist, Mango Mussolini (and all other variations riffing on Trump’s orangeness), couch fucker, etc. were all thrown around plentifully.
Cute but menacing, love em
Not to ruin the joke but because it is important to know, in most areas you can text 911 though calling is still recommended
It annoyed them a bit but it didn’t really dissuade people from supporting Trump and Vance, and I think they’d mind the label “dick” even less than that, so again I don’t really know what it’s going to accomplish. People were told they’re fascists, told they’re weird, they didn’t care then, they won’t care now.
He’s not wrong, but I don’t know what it’s going to accomplish when the GOP and their supporters have no shame
Damn who started cutting onions in here?
We can’t just let the leopards go hungry, you cowards!
It would also be another opportunity for them to portray the left as hating men
If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college gotten up on that roof
Every meal you eat results in popcorn lodged in between your teeth regardless of what you eat
Twitter the day after the election. Should’ve done it sooner but I never really used it anyway.
We can shorten that to Docaganda and make it a bit snappier
Like a hot knife through cellular peptide cake with mint frosting
So… it’s pointless
Original image courtesy of How I Met Your Mother (1929, colorized)