• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • You know nothing about me. I haven’t eaten meat since 1995 and I’ve been fully vegan for several years. I’ve been sharing information with people about the realities of factory farming and our current food system for literal decades. I know for a fact that way more than one person has changed their diet as a direct result of those conversations.

    But when ICE is rounding people up down the street, and trans people are in my office trying to get passports and telling me they’re afraid they’re going to end up in prison and forcibly detransitioned, and my mom came home livid because some racist old fuck cornered her coworker in an elevator and demanded to know where she was from and she’s terrified because her cousin was “deported” and no one has heard from her in a week, forgive me if conversations about veganism are not my priority right now. You know who can’t be convinced to change their habits? People who are dead or in prison camps or who don’t get a choice because their diet is “whatever the food bank has this week.”

    Conservatives don’t fight like this - they say they feel some type of way and then they go and vote for the person with an R no matter what. Meanwhile, liberals and leftists will hold out for a perfect candidate, fight over everything, and then turn around and act shocked when our garbage electoral system doesn’t work out in our favor.

  • I’m not blaming it on vegans. I’ve been vegan for years. I think more people should try it. I’m blaming it on the fact that people can’t shut up about stuff like what we’re eating long enough to be effective. Right now, there are an awful lot more people than usual in my community seeking out food banks and I don’t give a shit what they eat as long as they’re fed. I’m running a food drive and I don’t care if people bring beef stew all day.

    And the people who see the word “vegan” and feel compelled to rush in to shit on the idea are equally at fault. Like, nobody asked you to come in to the conversation and start complaining about how annoying all vegans are. Or worse, posting about it out of nowhere. How is that productive?

    How about people eat what they want and we can argue about the moral and environmental ramifications of those choices when we stop living in such interesting times.

    To be clear, veganism is not THE issue. It’s one of many leftists can’t seem to stop arguing about long enough to make concrete changes.

  • Can people please shut the fuck up about veganism for 5 seconds? Jesus christ, the dumbass infighting is why conservatives keep winning. Elon Musk and his nepo-baby “employees” are ransacking the federal government, ICE is rounding people up and trying to get neighbors to snitch on each other, several million people don’t know how much longer they’re going to be employed, and apparently we’re about to build and then subsequently bankrupt casinos in Gaza, and leftists can’t stop nitpicking over things that, yes, are important, but are the kind of thing we can slap fight over when the US isn’t on fire. I swear to god, I’m gonna start smacking people upside the head.

  • Can’t. Eggs have to be cage free in CO since January 1st. The law passed 2 years ago, so of course egg companies are acting like they couldn’t possibly have prepared for it to take effect. The plus side (for me and like 5 other people) is that this makes the vegan egg alternative seem WAY more reasonably priced these days.

  • No, they used to be more or less good - they all had slightly different vibes instead of being the exact same thing with different fonts. Okcupid used to publish a lot of fun data and was kind of a middle ground, Match was known for being for more “serious” daters, and plenty of fish tended to be a little trashier - not that there wasn’t plenty of overlap, that was just kind of the reputations they had. You could pay for things but you could also do just fine with free accounts, and the ads focused on how many people had had success with them.

    Now they’re all owned by the same company and it shows, and they’ve decided dumbing the experience down to the most superficial stuff and letting bots and people advertising OF or their MLMs take over is fine. I don’t think any of them are worth the time they take to download at this point.

  • frickineh@lemmy.worldtoDogs@lemmy.worldOne more time
    22 days ago

    I love older dogs. I used to foster seniors (one of whom my parents adopted), and we adopted my current dog at a very youthful 6. She’s 9 now and a total butt. I love her to pieces. We’ve also had really good luck - all but one of my dogs has lived to 15+. If my dog wasn’t so hostile, I’d happily have another one but she’s not a fan.