• 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • My GM uses milestones and I’m thankful for it. If we level up at the end of the night, everyone stays in chat for half an hour while we level up (usually me asking “is this a good feat to pick up?” because I’m a newbie) and it would suck to have to pause the session for that. Maybe not a big deal for veterans, though

  • I got my friend a job at my company. He met one of my coworkers, a guy we’ll call Frank. I told him Frank has led a very interesting life (not a lie - he has). I said before becoming an engineer, Frank was a male escort. And that he probably shouldn’t bring it up because I don’t know if that’s common knowledge in the office. I quickly forgot I even told him that.

    A couple of months later he made a joke to me about it and that’s when I told him the truth: Frank was a Presbyterian minister for years. He was never a gigolo.