Which game is it, btw?
Which game is it, btw?
I’ll just say artistic license to pronounce it seer-yal, and thanks!
I think freelancers in general, but since the (not so) common (anymore) work from home policy, a lot of people sit in cafes instead of working directly from home, from what I’ve seen. So more than before, for sure.
I’d like to submit Armadham, from Aavesham.
Yes! Been hyped for this since before the release delay. Can’t wait to see it.
No worries. I like this one, too
After reading the original title, maybe it’s another example of the erosion of the workplace?
Oh, that’s really cool! Thanks
Considering what brought me here, I’ll take finicky over maliciously designed any day. :)
Ah, I see. Thanks!
I think it’s fair to choose the smaller instance then, in the interest of diversification.
we’re in a severed reality
I think we’ve found the single!
B-side: the you you are
PC here, but 5:45 😎
I’ve added a pinned FAQ to the community to address/clarify what’s been brought up in this thread so far. LMK if you have any other questions.
(This is what I could find.)[https://albumcovers.fandom.com/wiki/Album_Cover_Game] The base image is copyrighted (and that’s allowed), but the final result is still OC, since the text is supposed to be edited in by yourself.
I shall, thanks!
The fake album game is more of an algorithm to get a fake album through chance (the final product matters much more than the method imo), but it could be helpful for those who don’t know where to begin.
Created a fake album cover inspired by this!