I can recommend the book “How the World Really Works” by Vaclav Smil for an approacheable way to learn about this without over simplification.
The lie made into the rule of the world
I can recommend the book “How the World Really Works” by Vaclav Smil for an approacheable way to learn about this without over simplification.
Why does everyone want to buy?
Without haber bosch 70% of food production would be gone. People buy food, as food is essential for survival.
Plastics are made from fossil fuels. Plastics are used, for example, in waterproofing houses, vapor barriers, etc. People use houses for shelter from the cold, rain, heat, …
Yet in attempting to do the first, they do the latter.
If Saudi Aramco was a country, it would be the fourth biggest polluter in the world after China, the US and India, while ExxonMobil is responsible for about the same emissions as Germany, the world’s ninth biggest polluter, according to the data.
Wouldn’t that be counting the same emissions twice? As the fuel they produce is likely to be used in countries like China, India, Germany. In other words: a calculation as usefull as taking the sum of assets and liabilities in a balance sheet.
It’s not like they make the fuel, and then burn it, for the fun of it. It’s supply matching demand. Take away a supplier, another will substitute.
Youtube channels. A simple timeline of uploads, only showing chanels I care about.
Is there an exit tax when you leave the US? France for example has that, and the new Belgian government wants to introduce it as well.
There are languages other than English here
Hope my donation helped cover your school costs Nicole!
I feel so ignorant all the time, like I don’t know enough to speak on any issue. When I do speak, I feel like I always miss something, some detail of the bigger picture
In my opinion that’s a good thing, as long as it doesn’t stop you from communicating (for your benefit, but also for mine, because I enjoy reading your posts here :)) or acting on your ideas.
Everyone always misses (some detail of) the bigger picture. What’s happening is that some people are more aware of that than others. I think you might like Daniel Kahneman’s work on this subject.
Ah, you changed my question, substituted an easier one, and responded to that. Thanks for explaining.
I’m unsure how this comment answers my question?
Depends. If the victim dies, I would consider that murder instead of attempted murder.
What’s your opinion on porn?
Industry and logistics are an integral part of an army. It doesn’t stop at soldiers.
That’s exactly what’s happening in Ukraine: EU lacks (military and other) industry to support very capable soldiers.
The fact that France still has an industry is because they understand the above and value defense. If others did too, Ukraine would be in a better military position.
Their argument would, in your opinion, hold more value if they suggested (and did themselves) buy, for example, korean weaponry?
Belgium: 98EUR a month shitty home internet + phone bundle with unlimited data.
Isn’t that where the weirdo communists hang out?