I guess it depends on what sort of data is in this 100 TB data set. And if I have any other tools at my disposal to transcribe the data into new mediums or any time adjacent knowledge for things that would happen in the next year.
If there was an accurate almanac, lunar calendar of events or current world/local history. Establishing myself as some sort of prophet, messiah or divine messenger should be possible. Once I establish that I can see the future, then I need to make a far flung prediction for my home time that “will be revealed when the time is right”.
Four important rules would needed to make it work.
Primarily a foundational tennat not to alter my prophecy. I am the one and only prophet that will ever exist. Of course schisms and reformations will likely occur but so long as the “orthodox” faithful preserve my original writings it should stand the test of time.
Secondly, depending on how my death occurs in “exactly one year”, I can work that in to the cannon as being recalled to the higher plane. Especially if this time death is flashy! Hopefully something like my body being ripped apart by the time stream. Nice big event that will be remembered.
Thirdly, I protect my religious with good ole fashion reliable xenophobia! Whatever tools I can use to identify competing time travelers will be the sign of heretics and evil demons.
Finally, that my tomb is to contain both my original manuscripts that are never to be touched or altered. And importantly, exact prophecies that are supposed to be opened prior to various major world events. If I can sprinkle a good one every 20 years or so then the faith should remain strong.
Mental illness doesn’t make you a Nazi. Saying Ye is acting like this because he’s off his meds is saying that those with diagnosed with bipolar or narcissism are just one step away from being a bigot. That’s not true and it only furthers the stigma of those with mental health issues.
Ye is the one choosing to be racist, that choice is on him alone.