Me: “If I make a new mascot platformer (gratis) with vertex colors, maybe someone would get me out of here? What are the chances and outcomes? Would I even have enough time to make something decent with current conditions?”
Blender, Godot 4, player controller in Nim-lang via gdext-nim, and on top of the 3 hats I need to learn I don’t have many viable ideas.
Also somewhat related to the social isolation thread in showerthoughts, I live on the edge of nowhere and don’t even want to drive.
I have the same issue on an Arch derivative with XFCE and a 1050Ti. From what I can find online this is related to a change with SystemD, though when I tried the suggested fixes they didn’t seem to work.
It has been a while since this issue started and updates seem to have not fixed it (though I am not currently updated). Annoying especially as I used to use my computer to wake up.