i like to say “are you sure you even understand this? do you know what you’re doing or do i need to spell it out for you?!”
i like to say “are you sure you even understand this? do you know what you’re doing or do i need to spell it out for you?!”
i use my thinking skills to tell the LLM to quit fucking up and try again or I’m gonna fire his ass
fuck overwatch 2. can’t believe i bought so many copies of overwatch. never again blizzard, you stupid fucks
i can’t speak to that, but it sounds plausible. in that case the body location would be updated to those coordinates
and even if some idiot put every zombie npc in a database (or if you want to think of it that way), you wouldn’t just delete the rows! the bodies would disappear, so instead you would update that row like (npcState = KIL, bodyLocation = <some coords>) or something. Especially if you wanted to keep player stats
maybe a Sauron fan more like
having been in combat, with electronic gear designed for the military, i can say this will be a million percent terrible. it’s gonna be too heavy (already they carry too much- i have degenerated discs as do many of my buds) and will break constantly. to say nothing of keeping it charged- who wants range anxiety in a combat situation.
now i will say that going to Iraq radicalized me against war and i filed as a conscientious objector, but back in those days right after 9/11 there wasn’t much of an antiwar movement.
not really in that situation
fascism is when i don’t like something, right?
isn’t it best when we water down terms to meaninglessness? /s
there are plenty of great switch games. “oh i won’t pay for games why do all the games suck hurrr”
yeah i saw those in development over 10 years ago. they are definitely getting close
i reckon they can handle getting rained on at least three times! and they love the summer sun
requires paying humans wages and that is unacceptable! also it only costs ten million times more than a paper poster and it goes into CapEx not OpEx so the government gives it preferential tax treatment
thinking about advertisers, this is the only possible reason why they would adopt such expensive technology
and! it only costs as much resources as ten million paper posters, but will break after getting rained on thrice
oh wow haha didn’t realize e-ink isn’t vegan compatible! TIL, thanks
greatest is quite a stretch
yeah i lots dozens. and i have an SSD that died with the keys to 5 more. I’m not losing sleep over it
you can still buy and use the classic remotes too! here’s the first one i found on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/143752434103