• 57 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I do want to talk with people who don’t have severe schizophrenia just a mild version of it that’s why I made this community however I am the only one posting here which is kind of sad.

    I try to talk with people in real life but I couldn’t since I start thinking about negative stuff :/

    I might request my psychiatrist to connect me with someone going through the same situation as me.

    I really wish people start posting here often so I could get some feedback from people living with schizophrenia.

  • first of all thank you for the detailed and informative comment.

    Something I hear in your post is that you’re not very happy about being diagnosed with schizophrenia.

    yes, because even after diagnosed with schizophrenia I see no difference in my day to day life. I still get nervous/anxious while talking to someone and think they are plotting something against me. my psychiatrist always ask if I am hearing voices or not anymore and I always get confused since I have insight I don’t know if the voices are just my subconcious. however after taking meds those “talking inside my head” has significantly decreased.

    How else is the diagnosis impacting you? I have been taking Triflux daily. I would say it kinda working? I don’t hear “voices”(intentionally quoting voices) anymore. that’s it. I am still socially awkward and live inside my own head all the time. however I am functional, I do go to work and have meaningful conversation there, I can solve problems. so yeah, it’s not affecting me that much. which brings the question “should I be still taking those meds?”. I don’t know the answer. I had quit taking meds in the past and my behavior went down hill, I started talking inside my head again and stopped talking with my parents, so my parents and psychiatrist told me to continue taking the meds.

    check out Daniel Mackler Thank you for the recommendation!!