kot [they/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2022


  • We believe there are many avenues that feed into the democratic road to socialism. Our vision pushes further than historic social democracy and leaves behind authoritarian visions of socialism in the dustbin of history.

    I would stay away from any organization that is explicitly revisionist and who doesn’t believe in revolutionary action. You should definitely get organized though.

  • What makes the problem worse is that theyre power fantasies written specifically for bitter straight men who think they were overlooked. The audience is basically otaku/incels, which means the wish fulfilment fantasies are always horrible shit like owning slaves or getting back at all the evil women who wronged you. Also I don’t think there’s much of a difference between the average isekai and the run of the mill generic fantasy anime anymore, it seems to me that they are the same thing for the most part. The only difference is whether the guy was a loser before dying irl or if he’s a loser because his fantasy power sucks.