I worked retail at a store that had a rule that we DO NOT rush customers out if they come in before we lock the doors. We were NOT allowed to mention we were closed and we were NOT allowed to roll out merchandise to the aisles.
Corportate was confused on how our store had so much overtime when customers would regularly walk in a minute before close, stay an hour and buy nothing.
Food makes sense.
Manufacturing AFAIK is moving to the US since Japan can’t afford the insecurity of dealing economically with China for goods.
Women are the same as women and women have different gender identities in women too.
Why is Japan reliant on China?
Technically in AZ you can rap the knuckles of a student with a ruler. You’ll still get fired for hitting a kid but I am pretty sure you are safe from a lawsuit.
Karate isn’t in the Olympics because they can’t agree on rules and by extension have one rule making body.
I love the binary in the newscast. Anything more than 10 homes should be illegal.
Not to pry but what happened?
Wow you guys had to use the hill? That’s rough.
Eh, he’s already disimpassioned. We need to pick more radical disses.
Blind Al helps Deadpool though???
What if I told you merging PTO with sick days was to get around the Federal requirement for employers to not use your use of sick days against you. By eliminating sick days and rolling them all into one pool, they now can use being sick as an excuse to fire you.
Lincoln Lawyer?
Pretty much why I retired.
I love selfawarewolves
No, you are not. You just have bugles on your fingers.