• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I think it’s fair enough. If they accept your spam then they have to accept everyone else’s spam too. No it doesn’t make any difference that your stuff is free. Reddit subs are usually for discussion not marketing; there are channels to spunk your adverts down and you should use those instead of trying to insert them into discussions. No it doesn’t make any difference that your free stuff means you don’t have a marketing budget. We all know today’s free stuff is tomorrow’s subscription stuff, and yeah I can already see you’re about to scream at me that you don’t ever intend for that to happen. But the simple fact is if your stuff takes off then you’re going to have to make more time for it but free stuff isn’t going to pay your bills and you’re going to have to start raising cash one way or another.

    What you should be doing is to continue being a positive contributor, and put your promo stuff on your “about me” page. Anyone who is interested enough in you will look at your profile, see your stuff and maybe then consider engaging with your products.

    Forget the 10% ratio, remember the rule NO MARKETING, and then everyone will be your friend again. The 10% rule is not intended to say “you can spam this much and no more”, it’s to allow people to talk about actual products they like (that others have made) and point to them without those pointers being misconstrued as promotion.

    “…votes…” No, the rules are for preventing spam, the voting is to highlight high quality posts over the low quality stuff.

    “…billionaires…” What an odd strawman. Business of all sizes from freebie shops like yours up to Microsoft are NOT ALLOWED TO SPAM chatrooms. You’re likely to see more stuff about billionaire businesses simply because they’re bigger, not because they have some privilege you don’t.

    I mean come on, there are enough fucking adverts everywhere without discussion groups being full of that shite too. Advertise in advert channels. Chat in chat channels. Don’t mix the two. Of course you’re proud of the stuff you’ve made and that’s a good thing, but there is a time and a place for promoting it and that place is NOT a discussion group.

  • That’s actually quite an interesting approach and I wonder what the limits of implications are.

    Could we for example imply that Bo and Luke are not only shagging Daisy and each other, but in addition have raped and/or murdered numerous other people? Could we imply they’ve lynched anyone? If we can, what else could we infer? If not, why not? What limit did we exceed?

    Or could we go the other way and imply that they do lots of anti-racism stuff offscreen and that they’re using Confederate symbology and names not to glorify it but to mock it? And that they are therefore non-racist and (with additional implications) non-incestuous?

    Since one aspect of racism is ascribing negative traits to a particular people group regardless of any evidence that those traits are true (like for example the English thinking of Irish people as stupid, although for the most part I don’t think we do that any more), could ascribing incest and racism to citizens of southern states in itself be racist?

  • No it doesn’t. I asked what non-capitalist countries allow you to chase the OP’s dreams and you’re just asking me a bunch of questions about my opinion of the existence of colleges, and art appreciation.

    But OK let’s suppose I have to answer your questions before I can get an answer to mine. Same answer for both: actually it’s not something I’ve ever thought about. But I could find out fairly easily, the first anyway, given a list of socialist countries I could do a quick web search to find out if they have colleges. They probably do, but I couldn’t name any at the moment. I think it would be tricky to find out whether or not A&H are appreciated under socialism; I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t be but I couldn’t point to anything that gives an indication one way or another.

    Your answer now please: a list of countries where I could, if I lived and so desired, chase those dreams without the limitations of capitalism.