• 84 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Huh, that’s interesting that it was around the same time period. It also sounds similar, minus some of the mysticism and anti-science and more anti-government. I wonder if those students had better experiences. Again, I’m sure it depends on the specific instructors and leadership members at the location, since the curriculum is not centralized. I have to wonder if this could be an advantage to having more emphasis on the topics important to that community/region, as opposed to a generalized education curriculum.

  • What is the overall goal to teach them? Do they need to be journal articles? The most “grabby” headliners I have noticed are on marketing items. Especially if you want to appeal to a younger audience, you could screenshot examples from Snapchat tabloids. “Top 17 ways to get your SO to notice you more,” “Prince Harry did the unthinkable,” “How to instantly cut fat out of your diet,” etc.

    Their goal is to “hook” you into reading or scrolling or watching. Journal articles might do this on a much milder scale. “Novel method for disposing of plastics.” So you think: Novel? Must be revolutionary. Let’s find out.

    Idk I hope that helps.

  • I agree, meanings change throughout time. I guess I should have asked should it mean something different? To say platonic love only means non-romantic seems like it belittles the richer meaning of Plato’s views of love as being able to love a passion or eventually beauty itself. How do fully realize to love the concept of beauty itself without first experiencing romantic love? I don’t think a person needs to experience romantic love to experience beauty initially, but to achieve the most developed version of love that Plato describes, how could a person appreciate that without experiencing it?

    Reading more about Plato’s thoughts about love, I think I understand what you mean; most of what he described was about the love of questioning and thought. I guess I’m just trying to read between the lines that even if Plato did not value romantic love as highly, is it not a part of “beauty itself”?

  • That’s a good question. From what I gather, Lemmy (and most of the Fediverse) is an alternative to something, with less focus on the money/advertising. So I would guess most people are looking for an alternative way to connect about common interests. And because it’s not the easiest path for social media, I would guess most people have a desire for agency/self-reliance.

    And because the whole Fediverse seems to be a different way of approaching social connecting, it takes a little more understanding of computer technology, so I would also guess most people have a least a higher than average affinity for computer technology. Linux and Programming Humor are larger communities.

    That said, I have enjoyed a somewhat active participation about woodworking, gardening, jokes, news, medical updates, etc. Like mentioned in another comment, the different instances will have somewhat different norms and practices.

  • As someone who cares for elderly people sometimes, please please fill out an advanced directive (not just a living will). It’s a sort of “if this, then that” for health scenarios. It’s immensely helpful when when caring for someone not well, and can be much more stressful without one. I have had dying, incapacitated patients wait weeks for guardianship or POA-HC to be processed before care can be changed to comfort measures, because they did not have one on file.

    Get one from the hospital you would likely go to, fill it out, give them a copy, keep a copy, and give a copy to who you list as a decision-maker. You do not want to add the stress of logistics to an emotionally difficult time.

    I think as a society we should embrace death more. Pretending it doesn’t happen just makes things worse when that reality of mortality unwaveringly stares you in the face.

  • I also forgot to call out the Mod Zone. That is pretty nice, so I dont need to switch back to mobile browser every time to check for reports.

    The only feedback I might suggest on the favoriting is that maybe instead of both favorite and unsubscribe in the same direction, make favorite swipe right and unsubscribe left to avoid accidentally unsubscribing.

    Im especially excited for the sepia theme and additional comment cascade options. I think they really change the whole way my brain organizes the content.

    Make sure to take breaks and don’t burn yourself out. Projects can be exhilarating but I’ve seen so many people push to meet all the demands and then exhaust themselves.