Lvxferre [he/him]

The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • Every single time that there’s some internal issue in Argentina, three magical syllables pop up: “Malvinas” (aka Falkland Islands). The goal is not the islands themselves, but to distract the population from that internal issue. It works: some mass idiocy/nationalism surfaces out of the blue, and people look to UK with angry and ineffective middle fingers instead of looking at the internal issue.

    I think that USA is trying something like this, with those idiotic comments about Greenland, Gaza, Canada etc.; or at least, as part of the goal. If that’s correct the “we’ll buy California then” mockery won’t help much, it’s simply better to bombard the media with the ongoing USA internal issues. Like, dunno… trying to marginalise further groups that are already marginalised, by the removal of diversity, equity, and inclusion frameworks? Or perhaps that all those taxes are going to hurt United-Statian pockets way more than anyone else?

    Just my two cents.

  • I did ;_; I completely forgot how Reddit works in this regard. I hope that HiddenStill can still see it as a mod.

    In case they don’t, I’ll copypaste the content here:

    I don’t claim to have “expert knowledge” on Lemmy, but I was discussing the topic there with one of the users of this sub (hi bayesianbandit!), and I’ve been in Lemmy for long enough (2021) to know a few things about it.

    Can Lemmy can scale to the size required if trans content was banned on reddit.

    Lemmy as a network can scale indefinitely. Even if a specific instance is reaching its limit, people can create new instances to split the load.

    So the problem is mostly if the “transgender surgeries instance” would be able to handle the load, and how much it would cost. Accordingly to this link, “the 10 biggest Lemmy servers still only have hosting costs of $50-$300/mo”.

    I couldn’t find much information on Lemmy’s moderation tools. Currently this sub attracts a lot of hate and chasers, which moderation easily takes care of. In the past the have been excessive amounts, but reddit has cracked down on it, and provides tools to limit it (not very good ones). Lemmy would be unusable without this.

    The official mod tools are awful and only suited for small communities. However larger instances developed a few third party mod tools to alleviate the burden, including an AutoMod of sorts.

    Lemmy also allows something called “defederation”, where users from one instance cannot interact with users from another instance. The nearest of that in Reddit would be if you were able to prevent all users who posted in a subreddit to post in yours. That helps wonders to keep haters at bay.

    Lemmy works by sharing data across multiple instances (computers) and it appears there seem to be privacy concerns about the amount of data on users that is shared. / What is to stop the owners of the instance shutting it down, or the data being lost for any other reason? Although not a corporate it makes no difference. There would be a massive loss of knowledge and history.

    The main concern is that data shared with one instance pops up in other instances, due to the federation. That’s both a liability and a feature - because if the original instance goes down, the data is still preserved in the other instances.

  • Soon, people will see that Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo*.

    …language jokes aside I’m glad to see recovery projects like this popping up all around the world. I see the same deal here with jaguars - people might say “capybaras are cuuuuute!”, but without predation their numbers get huge, and that causes all sorts of problems.

    *This is a grammatically correct sentence, at least in some English dialects, using the following words:

    • Buffalo - some city
    • buffalo - the animal
    • to buffalo - to bully

    Replacing those in the above you get “City animal city animal bullies bullies city animal”; or “the buffaloes of Buffalo, whom the buffaloes of Buffalo buffalo, also buffalo the buffaloes of Buffalo”.

  • From HN comments:

    My big beef (and this happens on S.O. all the time) is when I ask a detailed question about how to do some very specific ABC thing, and instead of answering, the responders try to question my requirements, turn the problem into a XY problem[1], or answer something totally different.

    “What are you really trying to do?”
    “ABC is not how I’d solve the problem I imagine you are working on.”
    “I don’t know how to do ABC, but I know how to do DEF…”
    “Why do you want to do ABC?”

    I mean, thanks for all of your unsolicited design input, I guess, but I’m pretty specifically asking for help with ABC.


    Urgh. In topics where I am the newbie, this is perhaps THE big reason I don’t ask help: I’m completely fine to the “I’ll teach you how to fish” people Mark Dominus complains about, but those “y u want to do ABC?” grind my gears.

    If I’m asking you how to do ABC, odds are that I already looked for alternatives where I don’t need to do ABC. Stop assuming otherwise dammit.