AFAIK it’s not even clear yet if it’s really plastic.
If you lose your mind every time something appears to be weird and more research is needed, you’d be permanently without one.
AFAIK it’s not even clear yet if it’s really plastic.
If you lose your mind every time something appears to be weird and more research is needed, you’d be permanently without one.
Linux is clearly inferior to Linux. Have you tried Linux? It beats Linux in every single dimension!
Honestly, it has been working perfectly fine to me for a couple of decades. With games and everything. But that’s not the same Linux that everybody uses. Each person that installs it lives in a different universe from everybody else.
But anyway, if we could just stop the Ubuntu propaganda and avoid people starting with that piece of shit, a lot of the problems would disappear.
Not actually. What he said is literally imperialism.
Genocide is a name for what Russia is doing. But what he said is different.
I dunno. I imagine he would be just as much pro-rebellion.
If they are Perl regexes, like all regexes are supposed to be, you can have non-semantic whitespace and comments.
But if you are using some system that enforces something different, you are out of luck.
Aren’t the budgets based on the tax income for the districts?
Tax income is usually larger on mixed-use land, that rich people tend to avoid…
I can’t even begin to understand how one could segregate water… But then, I don’t doubt it, I just don’t know how it’s possible.
You say that based on Doppler effect or you have more frames?
He’s clearly facing a diagonal that will lead to the mattresses. People usually jump on the direction they are facing, but there isn’t enough information on the image to tell if he’s doing the things people do most of the time or if he’s laughing after jumping to his death in a very unusual position.
If you eat only a couple of crumbs, that checks out. The OP didn’t say how much of bread he’s eating.
They aren’t falling straight down.
Those windows seem easier (even safer) to climb than the others where they would have to support themselves on the frame.
I always though it was amusing that many communities would only let new users post if they already had enough upvoted posts…
If you do it sitewise, you end up with the modern Stack Overflow!
Refuse the call for once. Keeping it ringing won’t help you in any way.
And add the number to some kind of “refuse” list for the time you don’t want to receive the calls.
Most of the energy does not come from fusion.
Also, it’s an unreasonably fast database. That makes lots of trade-offs that normal ones aren’t willing to do.
The majority of the energy comes from nuclear fission
Yes, from an extremely inefficient fission reaction that can be improved by an order of magnitude by doing it slowly in a reactor.
who will keep the shipping lanes free of piracy?
You know the US isn’t patrolling the shipping lanes they don’t use right?
Also, no, they never managed to keep the shipping lanes free of piracy.
Of course. The name written on the map is what was keeping that huge inflation there on the US at 2%/y.
You either spend a truckload of resources during decades to make a bomb that explodes releasing the same energy humanity spends in two months, or you spend a truckload of resources doing the end task at a slower pace for decades.
The later is guaranteed to require a smaller truckload.
“Nuclear explosions are inherently unsafe”
Well, he warns about it.
It’s so bad that Rocket’s history was shoved into a couple of minutes in that bad movie…
Well, Adam’s too. We could have got a really funny movie from it, now it’s gone.