• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • How would making the few happier at the expense of the majority be increasing stability and reinforcing the status quo?

    Very simple… it’s literally recent history. FDR’s New Deal (for instance) enriched the white working class and thereby separating it from the non-white working class, making any kind of class consciousness in the US very unlikely and preventing a repeat of the labor movements that rocked the imperialist nations in the aftermath of WW1 and the subsequent Influenza pandemic. The Apartheid-regime in South Africa essentially did the same thing without bothering with all the liberal propaganda.

    It worked. In both states, it created a white “middle class” that was loyal to the status quo - you can witness that loyalty in it’s full glory right here on lemmy.world. Neoliberals (as personified by Reagan and Thatcher) easily manipulated this loyalty to usher in the dismantling of New Deal-style Keynesian economics, leading to the deprivations you see in the US right now.

  • makes is OK to talk of dismantling Israel.

    It is perfectly okay - and necessary - to talk about dismantling Israel. It is even more okay to actually do it.

    You cannot just dispossess a whole people of their land.

    You mean… like was done by Israel since 1948? I’m going to guess you also think the Soviet Union tossing Nazi Germany out of western Russia was some “great injustice?”

    It’s amazing how easily you liberals turn pro-colonialist at the drop of a hat. It’s almost like you’re no less right-wing than your (so-called) “conservative” cousins - you just need a different flavor of propaganda before you start shilling for the status quo.

  • You dehumanize people for existing in a social construct they have not created

    And again - which part of…

    Israel is a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist project regardless of what government it has.

    …are you still having a hard time comprehending?

    It does not matter what this or that individual Israeli citizen’s personal feels are on the matter - it does not change the fact that Israel is a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist project regardless of what government it has.

    There’s nothing complicated about this.

  • That is not what they’re saying.

    This is what they said:

    Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with. Terrorists do,

    This is not a case of somebody saying something smart but just wording it terribly. It’s no different than idots who spout “only cowards wear masks!” It’s something only somebody that has no familiarity with actual activism - ie, no familiarity with the actual stakes and risks involved in real activism work - would say.