Software Engineer & DevOps Architect. Mbin contributor (and creator of the fork).

He/him 🇳🇱

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I understand your situation, apparently there are workarounds for with as listed in this comment thread. Statically typed languages catch errors at compile time, ensuring robust code and safer refactoring, while also allowing for better performance optimizations. Their explicit type annotations enhance code clarity and maintainability, making it easier to understand and manage large codebases. This leads to more reliable and efficient backend systems.

  • No… In production you don’t want dynamically typed languages. Frankly, even TypeScript is still not good enough (since it still compiles to JS and the value can become any kind of type during runtime), it can cause catastrophic failures and errors in production. When you write a back-end server, I learned my lesson the hard way, I believe you want a statically typed language for better safety, security and mainly predictability at runtime.

    Python is fine for some simple scripts here and there, but please do not use it for critical production software. Please …