• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Tenor guitar strung in a fourths-based tuning (DGBE, ADGC) and not fifths sounds much more like six string guitar, it’s how I usually tune mine. You can go full electric on them too.

    Cigar box guitars can sound pretty damn good amped up as well, and are often much cheaper to get. I picked one up from this ebay seller almost a decade ago, and still enjoy playing it. He might only make three stringers now, but those are even easier to play. Or if you’re handy, you can even make them yourself.

  • Or try ukulele! Ukulele is awesome because the cords are a lot easier and you’ll become a strumming master since you won’t be concentrating so hard on the chords. And then later down the line it would give you a good foundation if you take a crack at guitar again

    You are not kidding. IMO, everyone should start out with a four stringed instrument, they are fantastic. Move on to greater complexity later if you want to.

    I failed out on my first attempt at guitar, it was just to much… then I lucked into a tenor guitar, and entered the four-string world of tons of one and two finger chords. Suddenly I could focus on rhythm and musicality, rather than making sure my fingers were doing half a bajillion gymnastic tricks per minute.

    Four stringers are so much fun, doesn’t matter if it’s a ukulele, a cigar box guitar, a tenor guitar, whatever. Go get one and start having fun!

  • It punches me in the soul when someone uses the phrase “acoustic bike.” I get that people are using it like it is used in guitars, but it makes no sense when applied to bikes.

    The literal definition of acoustic from the dictionary is “of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound.” Non-electric bikes barely make any sound! Calling them “acoustic”… it is a terrible label.

  • This context helps make the weird AI inconsistencies make sense. Wondering why the windows in the background have 3 or 4 different pane designs, or why all of the desks have different drawer arrangements, or why some of the desks are too close to each other for humans to possibly fit between them? It’s simple… the entire office was put together by clowns.