• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Careful a lot of them will still vote for him.

    [According to] Ange-Marie Hancock, director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University. She also happens to lead a group of scholars studying the current vice presidency. Their work is called the Kamala Harris Project…

    what’s interesting about how it impacts swing voters or independent voters is certainly on the surface, if you were to survey independent voters or swing voters, I bet you would get a strong majority who would say, we really don’t like that kind of language. We really don’t like the way in which he talks about women or talks about his opponents in that kind of way. The challenge of course, is that many political psychologists have found that even as we kind of consciously say, we don’t agree with it, it still ends up having a negative impact.”

    From Consider This from NPR: Kamala Harris already faces racism and sexism from Trump and Republicans, Jul 24, 2024 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/consider-this-from-npr/id1503226625?i=1000663256947

    There’s a deeper explanation in that (short) podcast in case anyone is curious.

  • The problem is that 2.9 million of them are Pitbull or Chihuahua mixes, even though the shelters try to pass them off as other breed mixes like they’re keyword stuffing Alta Vista in the 90s. True strays are from unneutered/spayed dogs, and the majority of people leaving their dogs intact, at least in my area, are assholes with “Pitties”.

    There are also a lot of dog adoption services that are feel a lot more like revolving clearing houses for puppy mills.

    They “shut down” a mill, rescue all the dogs and then a month later do it again. Someone is still making money with petfinder fees.

  • The Right are denying scientific consensus on anything that doesn’t make them money or own the libs.

    Forget the “social economics” which is also bunk, because the majority of Americans want lower healthcare costs, gun control, freedom of choice, better economic equality, and better education.

    These are all things the right (and written down in Project 2025 btw).

    If Mr. Beast knew anything, he’d claim to work with the popular majority, but he’s been trained by social media that controversy equals popularity. Basically it’s an algorithmic version of “no such thing as bad press”. So he won’t do the best thing for the world, he’ll do whatever he thinks will be a net gain in popularity. Which is why he said what he said, so he doesn’t lose and right wing viewers of his clickbate.

  • Yes, if he’s still capable of realizing he’s being played, he’ll either attack back or end it.

    He’s doesn’t seem to have the quiet peaceful dementia (yet, maybe). He has the paranoid violent kind where he still likely knows he’s losing it much of the time.

    I’ve had 2 different in-laws go through Alzheimer’s. One went from Mr. Rogers nice, to swearing and upset, especially when he lost control of some of his bodily functions. Thankfully Covid got him early in the pandemic and he didn’t have to suffer through starvation.

    My MIL however was pleasant and calm, and eventually succumbed to dehydration when she forgot how to swallow. We need proper right to die laws in the US.