Let me know if you need an invite, for now it is invite only
Let me know if you need an invite, for now it is invite only
Funny, just finished scarlet citadel (pretty unsatisfied with the 5e dungeon crawl experience) and currently running a few shadowdark one shots as a result. I love the simplicity, clarity and conciseness of it compared to 5e and the armada of retroclones at the other end of the spectrum. Oh yeah and the speed of combat might be the best thing overall.
This is truly great! I really appreciate the summaries as well, so i don’t have to open tabs for everything to find out if I am even interested. I also realised that the fediverse reemergence goes very well with the reimagining of the web experience that the people working on arc browser are doing! Check it out, it is great for a workflow involving multiple sites bookmarks etc
The arcane library discord I find quite lively, but i also do miss conversations that are more structured around topics rather than channels. Are there any good blogs you are aware of?
yeah, I agree with your approach. My collection is maybe 20 books total, but I run 1-2 games a week. 5e core books + tasha & xanathar, plus some adventures (3), monsters (2) settings books (2). Outside of 5e there is Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder 2e+Bestiary, and DCCRPG + a handful of modules. I recently ran a third party module that drew on a lot of books, it was a nightmare to DM.
I have both organised, but I just deem my physical collection “real”. I only play the games & adventures I own physically. My digital collection is mostly cheap humble bundle stuff that I browse around in for fun or for inspiration for preparing my next session, just stealing small things here and there.
This great! This was the first adventure I ever ran, great pick!