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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • Dude… What?

    Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers

    That’s the article you linked. Do you think directly, physically murdering someone is the same thing as prescribing them drugs that are potentially dangerous?

    Not even mentioning that the article has nothing to do with men/women.

    To recap, this is what your argument has devolved into: “Yeah, well, this study from over a decade ago says doctors are prescribing too much medication, and I remember hearing once that there are more women doctors than men.”

    Really?? That’s what you’ve got? Why are you bending over backwards to not change your mind on this no matter what evidence is provided to you?

    See, this is the thing that happens when you defund education for decades, and create a culture where ignorance is celebrated, and critical thinking is shunned… This is the level of “argument” and “discussion” you end up with when they’re adults (big assumption there. Part of my hopes you’re a literal child).

    No concept of basic logic, rationality, cogency, etc. It makes it very easy to win arguments like this, but it’s hollow victory, because usually the other person is far too gone (and, again, lacking the ability to think critically or evaluate their own biases) to ever accept that they were wrong. They just double and triple down.

    It’s depressing.

  • This is so fucking ignorant, it’s like you’ve never actually spoken to a woman before in your life (and no, the nice lady that delivers your chicken tenders doesn’t count).

    When men leave the house, the worst thing we walk around in fear of is ridicule and rejection. Women (rationally) fear for their personal safety. All of the time. You and I cannot even grasp what that must do to a person mentally.

    If you even suggest that this isn’t the case, go fuck yourself. I have nothing more to say to you. Some idiotic bullshit doesn’t need more of a platform on the internet than it already has, destroying the minds of young men.

  • I get that, but it just happens far too often to be coincidence.

    I’m not going to claim to know how, but it’s naive to take the word of corporations when we have so much circumstantial evidence that shows these firms are targeting people with ads for things that they had never shown interest in, but happened to mention once in the presence of a device with a microphone and internet connection. There have been people who have tested this, and have gotten results that indicate that this just cannot be a coincidence. It has happened to me personally on several occasions (before I started keeping my mic off at the OS level, hasn’t happened since).

    I’ve been around long enough to know that, just because the general public doesn’t know how some proprietary tech that corporations spend billions on R&D for might work, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. People have come up with insane shit, and that’s just the stuff that people have voluntarily (usually) disclosed. God knows what kind of proprietary shit is out there that we have no awareness of.

    I mean, for fuck sake, you can now steal a person’s password by listening to their keystrokes:


    Not to mention the fact that the NSA likely has back doors in every major piece of software and hardware in the US…

    I know that stuff isn’t directly related, but the point is that these things always seem impossible, until it gets leaked that it’s been possible for years now.