I can get a double cheeseburger and fries from my local burger shop for $6 and not feel like shit after eating it. Why would I ever go to McDonald’s again?
I can get a double cheeseburger and fries from my local burger shop for $6 and not feel like shit after eating it. Why would I ever go to McDonald’s again?
Regardless of whether you agree with any specific policy position they hold, working with Republicans in this next legislative session is the only way Democrats will be able to influence federal policy. The alternative is bill after bill with only Republican input. I have no problem with the Democrats having input on legislation.
People and fish are more closely related than shrimp and insects
There’s a granite slide near me that they say gets faster with use, and they were correct. Fastest slide I’ve ever gone down.
There’s something about this wide, flat concrete slide that makes me think it’s not going to work the same
My experience with philodendrons is they don’t handle low light very well. They seem to grow great near windows but have struggled toward the interior wall of a room
FEMA provides assistance to make essential repairs to homes in some instances, but does not provide rebuilding assistance is my understanding. They do provide funding for temporary shelter and essential supplies, but those amounts are not tied to income.
Multiple things can be true at the same time.
I’m glad you’re recognizing that
Since we can’t go back in time, there were only two options today: Release it or don’t release it. This reads like you think they shouldn’t have released it.
Shouldn’t’ve released it at all then, right?
Releasing this was the right thing to do.
They’re not pretending to be bad, they’re pretending to care about what the Republicans care about. They’re very openly bad people
DOJ: Does the right thing
You: DOJ is a piece of shit.
The Democrats nominated John Kerry that year. President Kerry went on to lmao j/k he lost to George W. fucking Bush after we saw the horrible wars he started.
It’s not modifying “feel,” it’s the object of “feel.” It functions in that capacity as an adjective. You could make it an adverb by changing it to “makes me Luigily feel.”
In “I would happily feel happy,” happily is an adverb and happy is an adjective, for example.
The people who are looking for a rental in this article and who lost their Pacific Palisades home make an order of magnitude more money than you or I would ever expect to make
This is terrible advice