• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I can definitely see where you’re coming from and I have similar experiences. I got fairly fed up with the fact that the modem often doesn’t come up again after suspend on the pinephone. And if you disable sleep like I often do, you often find a dead battery. Despite all the great work of so many people, I’d have hoped for some more stability in the ecosystem by now.

    I also took up a spare Android phone unfortunately, but I’m really fighting with its interface, I want my sxmo !

    (cross-post from Mastodon)

  • When I am sending? Well, once things are set up properly I’m pretty confident that things arrive (though nobody can ever be 100% sure of course). I also tend to mail to the same recipient domains a lot, like for work and hobby projects, so once those are tested you get pretty confident.

    Unnoticed downtime is usually quickly noticed, I depend on my server for a lot of things. Senders are often resilient enough to keep things in their queue and try a few times. There’s also a fallback MX registry at my (3rd party) DNS host which will queue stuff in case the primary MX goes down.