Wednesday beers will happen outside this evening for first time in a while.
Wednesday beers will happen outside this evening for first time in a while.
Spent yesterday spreading more mulch on the verge. Paying for it today. And still only two-thirds through the pile to spread. Absolutely should have hired a dingo thing. Would have had it all done in a few hours i reckon.
title of your sex tape
Accidentally a little hungover. Gonna have to be beef vindaloo for lunch
I had a handful of jelly snakes. Yours looks healthier tbh
Of course that’s 12pm in Bestern Australia
This guy had a good take on it all
The end result is that basically if you want to get a handset you know will work, the average consumer’s only real choice is to buy from the network. At their prices. Funny how things work out.
If I had to choose between this or a phev Ranger, it’s this every time.
Are the rumours true?