living my life, trying to be productive, and miserably failing at both.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 25th, 2021


  • if we were talking about lemmygrad, I would agree, but personally is a place for me that I enjoy browsing and posting to. anyway I think it’s the best opportunity for anyone interested in making a centrist or apolitical instance and get the label of “flagship instance” on joinlemmy to help it grow and become as big as, it will also make it easier for people who don’t like the politics of to choose an instance knowing that it has no strong political affiliation.

    but I agree the folks on lemmygrad can be a little bit … let’s say annoying.

    also interesting that their only problem seems to be about the “genocide”.

  • I couldn’t find the exact quote, you might want to add it to this wikiquote page if you have a source. the closest I found was this:

    I do not admit that the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. I do not admit it. I do not think the Red Indians had any right to say, ‘The American Continent belongs to us and we are not going to have any of these European settlers coming in here.’ They had not the right, nor had they the power.

    but thank you for the post, it made me go and read some of the stuff he had said for like an hour and a half, and honestly his racism and political beliefs are mostly disgusting, yet his language is powerful.

  • White isn’t a race, its a social construct that has come for historical reasons to stand for a group of European colonialists from a variety of countries.

    I never said white is a race either. I didn’t even mention white. we were talking about Anglo-Saxons I assume? even then I clarified in one of my comments that Anglo-Saxons aren’t technically a race.

    I’d tread very carefully if I were you

    and now I’m getting ban threats from an admin of lemmygrad because we disagree over a title. why are you so hostile? did I say anything outrageous without knowing? I apoligoze if I did, but can you point to it?

    white supremacists whining about “reverse racism” here.

    bold claim. I never suggested, or even implied that white people are superior or any bullshit like that. as I said I didn’t even mention white, you brought it up. I just said saying that an ethnic group has a negative trait in their DNA is racist. but apparantly it’s a controversial take on

    and you would do me a favour if you don’t classify me in the “reverse racism” crowd. I did not say there’s sytematic racism against “white people”, I didn’t even come close to that. it was just a title.

    but well, thanks for your warning, and for not banning me. I enjoy talking to you guys, just wished you would reply to me and explain why I’m wrong, instead of downvoting me. that would make a more productive discussion, and a more pleasant experience.

  • just saw this comment and now I wanna cry T_T

    so now I’m just someone biting a “bait”, with a “superiority complex”, someone “not likely to join the side of the oppressed”, and having “the emotional basis of my beliefs” being “white supermacy”. at least you considered an alternative, someone

    who have been told from cradle to grave, in media and culture, that they’re inferior to whites, and that the only way to be successful, is to emulate whites, the way they talk, dress, etc.

    which I can’t tell if is better or worse.

    not to mention the one calling me a reactionary or suggesting I don’t understand the pain of indigenous people. all that because I rightfully called out a genuinely racist title? you people are so fucking cruel.

    a few days ago there was a thread on and we all blamed sinophobes for their bigotry, but when it’s reversed it’s ok? we said dismissing an open source CPU for being Chinese is bigotry, and it’s not an acceptable excuse that “they mean the communist party would put backdoors in it”. but now “white people are genetically berutal against indigenous people” is a delicate metaphor? don’t be so biased. racism is wrong, no matter the race.

    edit: this reminds of a thread on lemmygrad a while back, when I explained why tiktok might even be worse than instagram or youtube (its addictive aspects) and how it can be even more harmful (by lowering the attention span to 15 seconds of esily digestable videos), but apparantly lemmygrad users believed being Chinese makes it ok somehow? like have some consistency guys.

  • ah, it’s just getting worse. we’re on the same side (at least regarding this issue), yet we can’t agree on such a simple thing.

    This article is about how the US and Canada are shifting the blame for the boarding schools that killed thousands of natives for generations and the forced assimilation of those people.

    I whole-heartedly agree that this subject needs more attention. what has happened is beyond anything I can describe, and it hasn’t even happened long ago, so the “it was previous generations” excuse doesn’t work. it’s hard evidence that the government and church are corrupted as hell, and don’t deserve their position.

    be upset that the title alludes to DNA I guess. It’s real easy to find the author’s use of the term “DNA” in the title upsetting when you’re not in the hundreds of indigenous groups who’ve been forced into generations of oppression at the hands of Anglos.

    how is this relevant? and how does it justify the title?

    It’s a provocative title, it’s meant to catch your eye.

    it doesn’t make it ok, making racist statements to get our attention to an important thing is still wrong. I would also add that if the author’s intentionwas to highlight the crime commited by North American countries, they’re failing miserably, all we’re talking about is the title and if it’s racist or not.

    Now actually read the article

    I agree with the content of the article.

    and understand that it’s pulling attention to the treatment of indigenous people by Anglo governments.

    a noble goal, but as I mentioned, it seems that they’re not achieving their goal by that title.

    Treatment that Anglo governments are currently trying to deny while claiming the boarding schools for the Uyghur are the same thing.

    I agree, they’re not in a position to lecture the world about human rights. also in my opinion, the claims that “millions of Uyghurs are held in concentration camps against their will, it’s a genocide!” are utter bullshit. this article could be a great opportunity to show that these countries aren’t concerned about human rights, but all it’s accomplished is making us argue about its title.

    I don’t know what you want to achieve with the rest of your comment. but let’s see your reaction if we change the title to be about another race. if someone had said “being slaves is the African’s DNA”, wouldn’t you call it out? or would you start defending it by saying “see, DNA means history here, the writer must be trying to make us pay attention the crimes commited against Africans”, “oh no, African isn’t a race, so this is not racism” and “tell it to that tribe killed by those Africans!”, “author is trying to get your attention, it’s justified.”

  • I can’t believe people are defending the great firewall on a place like lemmy. The internet was built to connect everyone and that everyone could have access to all information, not just the part that your goverment wants you to see.

    Ah, the irony. lemmygrad itself seems to be blocked in mainland China. if that doesn’t convince our friends on lemmygrad that there’s something wrong with the way China censors internet, I don’t know what will

    China is not as bad as all the propaganda makes it seem, but they sure aren’t good. It’s still a totalitarian regime that’s done some real fucked up things.

    agreed. I’m just confused by the way lemmygrad’s users avoid criticizing china even when it deserves it. I mean it’s literally the responsiblity of a good supporter to criticize you when you do something wrong.

  • honestly at this point I can no longer tell who’s a lib. at first I thought libs were american democrats, then I saw people calling centrists libs too, and recently I’ve seen people calling anarchists libs too. so I don’t really know, but that’s why I specified that I meant American liberal.


    oh you mean nutomic banning soferman from c/worldnews? I thought nutomic banned a user for saying there’s a genocide, sorry. nutomic banned them for this comment:

    Apparently I not. And apparently you can’t make value judgments on other people’s opinions either.

    it wasn’t because of Uyghurs or stuff like that.

    Well, it’s okay if they are like this, they just should be open about it and not do arbitrary bans for haphazard reasons while at the same time pretending to be morally superior, allowing other viewpoints and following a code of conduct. Or, if they do, they should just admit it. Which would actually be fine with me. Saying “I don’t like you being in that community, so I banned you” is better than to pretend there’s a universal truth that the banned person is a baddie.

    I don’t have any problem with their idealogies either. actually I like them because it means they’re against capitalism. I was just pointing out that the nature of Lemmy and isn’t really separated from the idealogy of its creators. and as I said, it has pros and cons.

    that being said, I agree that banning soferman was not justified, at least not after they had changed their behavior.

  • nutomic banned a guy who said there’s a genocide and someone else posted said video.

    seriously? can you link the thread?

    other than that, idk to what extent I agree. on one hand I like certain aspects of Lemmy’s culture, linux, foss, programming, anti-capitalism, anti-corporate, privacy awareness, decentalisation, veganism, libre culture, progressive social values etc, on the other hand I don’t really like some stuff, like leftists defending putin (why? T_T ) ,being so anti-imperialism that they would call any mainstream source propaganda, turning a blind eye when it comes to China’s flaws as if it can’t possibly be wrong in any case, stuff like that.

    we should consider that the way Lemmy has been developed and has been maintained has been deeply ideaological. three admins are marxist-leninists, one is an anarchist and I don’t know about the other one. dessalines and nutomic (who are the two main developers as far as I know) are both deeply invested in their idealogy. personally, it doesn’t bother me. but certainly many people might not like it, I assume that’s why soferman spammed a lot of agenda posts, because the average person might feel unwelcomed and uncomfortable here. don’t get me wrong, the fact that Lemmy has been an idealogical effort is the only reason that has stopped it form becoming another reddit alternative for Nazis, so it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    one solution would be to ask admins to limit their activities to PSAs and banning spammers/scammers and sublemmies that break the code of conduct, and leaving all other forms of moderation to community moderators, which means that admins shouldn’t moderate communities, at least not with their main account. it would also require them to make anonymous accounts to participate in discussions as users instead of using the same admin account.

    but do I want to see that happening? idk. maybe not for now. it really depends on what the admins and us want Lemmy and to become.