Thanks for this! I’m a full coverage nut but didn’t know about their freebies, guess I’ll be adding it to my calendar as well 🙂
Thanks for this! I’m a full coverage nut but didn’t know about their freebies, guess I’ll be adding it to my calendar as well 🙂
I’ve sort of half watched AEW when it happens to be on it I guess it’s about to become solid weekly viewing. Seeing those two back together is going to hit just right.
I love that idea! As for the ruler getting in the way when you get close to finishing, don’t forget it’s a wirebound: you can just fold the cover over to the other side and tuck it under the left side :)
Nice! I’m a wirebind fan - I love being able to turn the pages back over on themselves so I’m only looking at one single page, instead of a spread. Plus I have access to binders at work so I can take the bind off and print my preferred layout straight onto the pages and rebind, since I have trouble finding the kind of book I like.
Hope you enjoy the new format :)
I bust them every time I forget to thread one strand at a time - two just destroys them. Pinching at the narrow end helps but I ended up buying a pack of 100 and not worrying too much.
Don’t apologise, I’m That Person in a whole host of subjects, lol. As good as that recipe looks (the photos are fantastic), I’d probably try it with chicken breast instead, only I don’t know what agave syrup is or if I could find it in a kiwi supermarket.
I love this idea! And someone finally found a proper use for tofu 😉
I think I’ve been to the movies once since covid and I have no plans to go back. The tickets are too expensive to be ruined by people being on their phones or talking to each other about what happens next. If there was the option to take your own headphones in to drown out the dickheads I’d probably go back.
Not temporary is good though, surely? I like the idea of a dispenser, that sounds a lot less messy than a liquid glue.
I used to use glue sticks but they were a cheap brand and only lasted a year. I don’t remember seeing Uhu her about Pritt sound familiar.
Thanks for the tip, I’ll see if I can find a local supplier to give them a go.
Do they add much bulk to the pages? I tend to stick my photos in the same spot on every page and if the dots add a bump, I start getting frustrated by the lack of a flat surface.
I don’t live in Auckland so haven’t really been paying attention but I saw a quick interview with the owner. If it’s in private ownership, why is the restoration getting funded?
I tend to use my page more or less consecutively so haven’t run into this problem very often but now I’m doing whole spreads for the books I’m reading and having to jump around them. When that happens I’ve been doing a fancy arrow with the page number to jump to doodled inside it. It’s probably not very elegant but my journal is kind of a mishmash so it fits the (lack of a) theme.
I have to admit, uploading to my own cloud space is a must-have for me because I journal on both laptop and phone, when I’m in the mood to type. I use Diarium which I think is Windows-only. Before I started using my phone, I used a program called iDailyDiary which is local to your own machine and doesn’t back up anywhere. It doesn’t have touchscreen capability (I don’t think) but I used it more for than a decade and loved it.
I haven’t heard of that site before, thanks for the link 🙂
Cheers, I just checked on seeing your message on desktop and it’s all up and running.
This would be hugely helpful as I’m currently reading every post here to see if anyone else is having issues with their inbox (as in, it’s completely empty).
I go through phases preferring handwritten or digital so I journal in a binder. I’m currently using an A5 filofax and typing my journal, then turning it all into digital scrapbook spreads to print out, but I’m probably about due to switch methods (again!).
How many notebooks have you filled?
Excellent, it’ll pair nicely with the ridiculous number of HAED patterns I’m hoarding.