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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • You know you just said that and it is literally the first time it has ever occurred to me. Because I hear these people make the masks don’t work argument and okay fine they don’t work sure I didn’t get COVID or sick while I was using one though…

    And to point out that hospitals use them and it does significantly reduce infection. Why the hell would anyone care what anyone else is wearing…

    Like for example I like monster magnet… They are a b level stoner rock band that I thoroughly enjoy and they gladly talk about drugs and evil and whatnot in a dumb stoner rock story way right. I have a shirt on the back of it says it’s a satanic drug thing you wouldn’t understand… I don’t wear that shirt out often or ever yet because quite frankly I feel like it’d be inappropriate to wear because there’s kids and polite company about. I’ll wear it to a death metal show if I’m going to go to one but I’m not going to wear it on an average Tuesday. As long as it doesn’t affect anyone else why would you care In this case my shirt could be offensive to people and I understand it and that’s why I don’t necessarily wear it. But a mask doesn’t offend anyone unless the front of the mask says something asinine… If people want to wear masks let them who cares

  • Thank God he’s protecting us from black bears The only bear that we can scare away. If a grizzly is coming at you unless you got a really powerful weapon you’re done and if a polar bear notices you you’re done. Black bear wave your arms and run at it and it’s scared away… there’s a video of two old people walking out of their house with a black bear on the porch… They don’t see the black bear but it sees them and turns around running scared as hell…

  • Like for real what is the point of it it’s like banning flip-flops that are blue it doesn’t affect anyone of something person wearing the mask. If I’m not making you have to wear a mask when you go outside then shut up about it man. If I feel safer wearing when I feel safer wearing one it’s not the end of the world I feel safe wearing a hat sometimes… We’re not going to ban all hats it’s my choice to wear the damn hat… If I want to wear a mask I can wear a mask.

  • I don’t care what anyone says I hated wearing the mask when I had to wear it but I didn’t catch COVID when I was wearing a mask. I know people say masks don’t work but I didn’t catch so much as a cold for the two years I had to wear the damn thing so if wearing a mask is going to keep me from the plague I’ll take the freaking ugly looks from the unwashed masses that are stupid as shit.

  • Look I fucking hated the masks but also get why we needed them and wore mine. Why the fuck does anyone care if someone else is wearing one…that for them. It like being offended someone is wearing Jordans…it’s not your feet.

    Leave people be and if I’m afraid I’m going to catch the plague then I’m wearing a mask.

    And people can say what they will about effectiveness All I know is for 2 years I wore one and didn’t catch a damn cold.