still doesn’t make it bad. if you’re gonna say all liberal music is bad, then you’re gonna have a hard time finding music to listen to.
still doesn’t make it bad. if you’re gonna say all liberal music is bad, then you’re gonna have a hard time finding music to listen to.
We are already putting undocumented migrants in concentration camps and supporting Israel who is definitely running death camps. Fascist USA will look different than Nazi Germany for cultural reasons but I don’t trust liberals to be better than the Nazis, I mean German libs supported the OG Nazis at the end of the day.
i honestly think a lot of the backlash against Brat is rooted in sexism tbh (not accusing OP or you of that, i get we’re shitposting here)
we definitely do. all our socialist parties are a joke.
Dirty bombs have never been used in a conflict and may not even actually exist beyond something theoretical. I mean, there’s plenty of missing nukes from the fall of the USSR and not a single one was converted into dirty bombs in the 33 years since. I’m not saying it’s not possible but the concept feels more like anti-terror propaganda than a real threat rn.
The US is just too diverse and that kind of blatant fascism likely will only fly with a minority of white chuds.
The problem with your argument here is it ignores that whiteness isn’t static. It can and will expand to include other groups of people to prop up white supremacy. Plus, we already have two parties pushing fascist immigration policies and massive amounts of Islamophobia. We don’t need a majority of marginalized people to go fash. We just need enough and I think the Democrats doing a genocide while most of their base still willing to vote for them is going to go a long way to legitimize fascist policies, especially if that party continues to choose the triangulation strategy. I mean…I’ve had other queer people basically fantasizing about me being hate crimed for being nonbinary in the Middle East because I won’t vote for Holocaust Harris.
People were saying Gen X were too cynical to buy into right wing bullshit and then they did. You’re starting to see the same thing happen to Millennials as we age and there’s nothing stopping the younger generations from going that way either. There’s always going to be people inheriting their family’s wealth and turning into shitty rich (or upper middle class) people. Being “left wing” doesn’t really amount to anything when there’s no organizational structure to weed out grifters, opportunists and crypto-fascists. Many people don’t become right wingers because they love being reactionary, they do so because they give up on the possibility of social change and start to adopt the right wing framing of “it’s everyone for themselves.”
I’m not a doomer. I think the fact that colonized people who had it way worse than Americans threw off the chains of oppression mean that we can too but I don’t think assuming that demographics will stop us from going fascist is a good idea. Democrats have been beating that drum since 2008 and we’re just becoming more and more right wing as a society.
sorry you’re missing out one of the best albums of the year. weird that you’d make this post tho
Two things:
Most people don’t have burners or don’t really log out of their accounts so blocks making it so you can prevent certain people from looking at your account is a small layer of protection. it’s also just a convention in social media. it’s how Facebook and Instagram (and I presume Tiktok though I don’t have one) works.
Second, the reason behind it is very annoying. Elon is just mad that he’s one of the most blocked accounts on the site and he knows that shitty fascist dudes get blocked on that site at a high rate, he just wants to make the site cater to their whims by making it easier for them to see around blocks. the blocking system was never perfect but it’s still miles better than this.
probably because he’s also a rich person and he’s been living in a rich person comedy bubble for decades at this point. He’s had an elitist rich person streak to him for a log time, just look at how poor Black people were treated on Chappelle’s Show.
NGL, if you can’t have a face to face conversation with them multiple times, you’re probably not going to be successful. You can’t really out theory someone online bc it often just turns into debatelord shit (even if that’s not your intention.) this is especially true with TERFs because they can be very cult-like. There’s a good chance that if you find the theory you want, they’re gonna take that theory to some TERF community and a bunch of people are gonna reverse-engineer some objection to it.
the problem is, if someone is a leftist and they can’t see the obvious reality that anti-trans bigotry is a tool the ruling class uses to divide and conquer, and they’re willing to live in a country where trans kids are literally committing suicide and/or being bullied by their classmates and the state, they’re kinda a lost cause at that point. I’m nonbinary, there’s a group of people who just refuse to see me as a human being, nothing I’m gonna say is gonna convince them to.
You might be able to come at them from a practical perspective that anti-trans bigotry makes them less effective as an organizer because it turns them into a wrecker.
I’m not saying this is impossible because I don’t know you or know them, but you gotta be really prepared for this to fail before you go into it. What you’re doing is admirable! I’m not being a naysayer, but a lot of legit TERFs often end up in that place because other TERFs weaponized some kind of trauma against them to make them think that way. For example, look at Dave Chappelle. Though he’s not a legit TERF, it’s been speculated that part of the reason he took the transphobic path was out of a real and valid anger at how white queer people weaponize racism against Black men while still claiming the oppressed class status. I don’t think that justifies hating trans people but it is a valid criticism since many white trans people are still fine being racist (see: lib trans people supporting Israel)
the real issue is the claim that trans is bourgeois decadence. someone spouting that nonsense doesn’t know anything about trans people. most of us are poor! most trans people live in the Global South. if someone ends up taking that position, they’re just completely out of pocket to the point where they might not be reachable.
yeah sorry you’re not a comrade if you hate trans people
What exactly is 'Iran’s fuck up? ’
I have had liberals on every social media site I am on tell me if Trump wins then I, a nonbinary person, deserve to be hate crimed for not supporting Harris, so yeah… I do think that. If genocide isn’t a red line, what makes you think queer rights would be?
The parts of the community that stan democrats tend to be white so I think they’ll stay on board bc white people tend to choose whiteness over all else
The Supreme Court will hand it to Trump 6-3 and the Dems will still blame Jill Stein.
I kind of think they’ll blame Chappell Roan and use it as an excuse to be homophobic.
those libs are gonna be fine and they’ll get to play The Resistance again (which they love doing) so they’re not punished either.
it always was. That was even part of the justification the centrists used to gut the private option out of it. I’m not saying they were honest about their intentions to build upon it, but the ACA was sold to progressives during Obama’s first term as a strategic compromise. of course the fact that the democrats negotiated with themselves to water it down proves it wasn’t, but they at least campaigned for it that way.
what kind of music are you trying to do? A lot of pro music producers use reference tracks of other people’s songs that sound similar to what they want to do and reverse engineer the sound they want based off that. Even if you’re just starting out, beginning your project with an idea of what you want the end product to sound like is very helpful. You’ll be surprised how much more you’ll pick up even from Googling “DIY (genre) recording techniques” vs the more general DIY recording one.
Secondly, bug the shit out of your friends who are better to see what you can learn. I’ve never met anyone who’s into recording that doesn’t like nerding out about gear and recording techniques. You’re not even really bothering your friends bc they will get to feel smart and talented.
Another thing, are you going direct into the interface with no effects/plugins? If so, then you’re probably not hearing something “bad” as much as you’re hearing what your guitar sounds like naturally. Guitar is a wimpy instrument on its own so a lot of times people who record direct in will use amp simulators to bring back the more “natural” guitar tones. On the flip side, synth can be too loud going in which causes digital distortion that sounds bad, so you might need to turn your volume down. You may already know this stuff but a lot of people don’t. Try messing around with the effects in whatever recording app you have as well bc they might help you get a more professional sound.
Honestly being mindful of your volume in general is key to making good sounding recordings. Try to keep your signal from going into the red in your recording app. There’s probably a sweet spot for recording volume with your equipment that you can find through experimenting.
Like everyone else says practice recording as much as you can. I’d add to this that you should practice with intention. It’s kinda like my point about reference tracks but try going into a project with the mindset of “this song I’m gonna learn to do X” instead of “I’m gonna make something good.” Make a bunch of bad stuff while learning and eventually you’ll get the hang of it. You’ll even be able to revisit your old ideas so you can redo them in a way that sounds good eventually.
what kind of music are you trying to do? A lot of pro music producers use reference tracks of other people’s songs that sound similar to what they want to do and reverse engineer the sound they want based off that. Even if you’re just starting out, beginning your project with an idea of what you want the end product to sound like is very helpful. You’ll be surprised how much more you’ll pick up even from Googling “DIY (genre) recording techniques” vs the more general DIY recording one.
Secondly, bug the shit out of your friends who are better to see what you can learn. I’ve never met anyone who’s into recording that doesn’t like nerding out about gear and recording techniques. You’re not even really bothering your friends bc they will get to feel smart and talented.
Another thing, are you going direct into the interface with no effects/plugins? If so, then you’re probably not hearing something “bad” as much as you’re hearing what your guitar sounds like naturally. Guitar is a wimpy instrument on its own so a lot of times people who record direct in will use amp simulators to bring back the guitar tones you’re used to hearing. On the flip side, synth can be too loud going in which causes digital distortion that sounds bad, so you might need to turn your volume down. You may already know this stuff but a lot of people don’t. Try messing around with the effects in whatever recording app you have as well bc they might help you get a more professional sound.
Honestly being mindful of your volume in general is key to making good sounding recordings. Try to keep your signal from going into the red in your recording app. There’s probably a sweet spot for recording volume with your equipment that you can find through experimenting.
Like everyone else says practice recording as much as you can. I’d add to this that you should practice with intention. It’s kinda like my point about reference tracks but try going into a project with the mindset of “this song I’m gonna learn to do X” instead of “I’m gonna make something good.” Make a bunch of bad stuff while learning and eventually you’ll get the hang of it. You’ll even be able to revisit your old ideas so you can redo them in a way that sounds good eventually.
I disagree bc as a longtime Charli fan I see it more like she made a shit post and then the desperate Democrats went way too far with it. It’s not like she’s posting like Stephen King about how great the Democrats are all the time. She made one post and then went back to doing coke with her DJ fiancee.
Making one post on Twitter is not “fellating reactionaries” and it’s extremely misogynistic to frame it this way