Geneticist/Bioinformatician - Member of #UseGalaxy EU team - working on making reproducible computational biology accessible for everyone.
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Oh oh, you’re correct :( How did I not notice that; guess too much thinking about standard card games, plus no hand in the example input is a Five Of A Kind.
Here’s a (hopefully correct) solution (in Python) where a Five Of A Kind hand is not allowed:
i = open('day7_in.txt')
from collections import Counter
card_values = {
'A': 14,
'K': 13,
'Q': 12,
'J': 0,
'T': 10
deques = []
for line in i:
if not line.strip():
cards, bid = line.split()
cards_repr = [int(card_values.get(card, card)) for card in cards]
counts = Counter(card for card in cards if card != 'J')
deque_type = [times for card, times in counts.most_common(5)]
jokers_left = cards.count('J')
for i in range(jokers_left):
for j, n in enumerate(deque_type):
if n < 4:
deque_type[j] += 1
jokers_left -= 1
if jokers_left:
if jokers_left <= 4:
deque_type += [4, 1]
deques.append((deque_type, cards_repr, int(bid), cards))
ans = 0
for n, d in enumerate(deques, 1):
ans += n*d[2]
Hmm, so maybe is related.
That’s true and so you could say that only doctor’s have to know. Otoh, a lot of people have stockpiles of leftovers from past treatments at home. It’s also simply a surprising number, for most people who do know at least, I guess.
Just sad :(
btw here’s the same post from within the fediverse:
Gestern noch geschaut :-) Eine Art Avatar in realitätsnäher. Spannend und sehenswert.
btw, EMBL Events are now on the fediverse:
I’ve seen the posters on display in the botanical garden of the University of Freiburg and was very impressed.
Alternative, die ich gestern verwendet habe, ist:
Der atom feed-Link auf der Seite lässt sich in podcast-Playern verwenden, wo sich dann hoffentlich alle Folgen einfach downloaden lassen.