• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • EDIT: I have a sneaking suspicion that the computer will need to be re-used since the combo-operand 7 does not occur and is “reserved”.

    re p2

    Also did this by hand to get my precious gold star, but then actually went back and implemented it Some JQ extension required:

    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -rR -f
    #─────────── Big-endian to_bits and from_bits ────────────#
    def to_bits:
      if . == 0 then [0] else { a: ., b: [] } | until (.a == 0;
          .a /= 2 |
          if .a == (.a|floor) then .b += [0]
                              else .b += [1] end | .a |= floor
      ) | .b end;
    def from_bits:
      { a: 0, b: ., l: length, i: 0 } | until (.i == .l;
        .a += .b[.i] * pow(2;.i) | .i += 1
      ) | .a;
    #──────────── Big-endian xor returns integer ─────────────#
    def xor(a;b): [a, b] | transpose | map(add%2) | from_bits ;
    [ inputs | scan("\\d+") | tonumber ] | .[3:] |= [.]
    | . as [$A,$B,$C,$pgrm] |
    # Assert  #
    if  [first(
            range(8) as $x |
            range(8) as $y |
            range(8) as $_ |
              [2,4],  # B = A mod 8            # Zi
              [1,$x], # B = B xor x            # = A[i*3:][0:3] xor x
              [7,5],  # C = A << B (w/ B < 8)  # = A(i*3;3) xor x
              [1,$y], # B = B xor y            # Out[i]
              [0,3],  # A << 3                 # = A(i*3+Zi;3) xor y
              [4,$_], # B = B xor C            #               xor Zi
              [5,5],  # Output B mod 8         #
              [3,0]   # Loop while A > 0       # A(i*3;3) = Out[i]
            ] | select(flatten == $pgrm)       #         xor A(i*3+Zi;3)
          )] == []                             #         xor constant
    then "Reverse-engineering doesn't neccessarily apply!" | halt_error
     end |
    #  When minimizing higher bits first, which should always produce   #
    # the final part of the program, we can recursively add lower bits  #
    #          Since they are always stricly dependent on a             #
    #                  xor of Output x high bits                        #
    def run($A):
      # $A is now always a bit array                    #
      #                 ┌──i is our shift offset for A  #
      { p: 0, $A,$B,$C, i: 0} | until ($pgrm[.p] == null;
        $pgrm[.p:.p+2] as [$op, $x]       | # Op & literal operand
        [0,1,2,3,.A,.B,.C,null][$x] as $y | # Op &  combo  operand
        # From analysis all XOR operations can be limited to 3 bits  #
        # Op == 2 B is only read from A                              #
        # Op == 5 Output is only from B (mod should not be required) #
          if $op == 0 then .i += $y
        elif $op == 1 then .B = xor(.B|to_bits[0:3]; $x|to_bits[0:3])
        elif $op == 2
         and $x == 4  then .B = (.A[.i:.i+3] | from_bits)
        elif $op == 3
         and (.A[.i:]|from_bits) != 0
                      then .p = ($x - 2)
        elif $op == 3 then .
        elif $op == 4 then .B = xor(.B|to_bits[0:3]; .C|to_bits[0:3])
        elif $op == 5 then .out += [ $y % 8 ]
        elif $op == 6 then .B = (.A[.i+$y:][0:3] | from_bits)
        elif $op == 7 then .C = (.A[.i+$y:][0:3] | from_bits)
        else "Unexpected op and x: \({$op,$x})" | halt_error
        end | .p += 2
      ) | .out;
    [ { A: [], i: 0 } | recurse (
        #  Keep all candidate A that produce the end of the program,  #
        #  since not all will have valid low-bits for earlier parts.  #
        .A = ([0,1]|combinations(6)) + .A | # Prepend all 6bit combos #
        select(run(.A) == $pgrm[-.i*2-2:] ) # Match pgrm from end 2x2 #
        | .i += 1
        # Keep only the full program matches, and convert back to int #
      ) | select(.i == ($pgrm|length/2)) | .A | from_bits
    | min # From all valid self-replicating intputs output the lowest #

  • Day 14, got very lucky on this one, but too tired to think about why part 2 still worked.

    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
    #     Board size     # Our list of robots positions and speed #
    [101,103] as [$W,$H] | [ inputs | [scan("-?\\d+")|tonumber] ] |
    #     Making the assumption that the easter egg occurs when   #
    #           When the quandrant product is minimized           #
    def sig:
      reduce .[] as [$x,$y] ([];
        if $x < ($W/2|floor) and $y < ($H/2|floor) then
          .[0] += 1
        elif $x < ($W/2|floor) and $y > ($H/2|floor) then
          .[1] += 1
        elif $x > ($W/2|floor) and $y < ($H/2|floor) then
          .[2] += 1
        elif $x > ($W/2|floor) and $y > ($H/2|floor) then
          .[3] += 1
      ) | .[0] * .[1] * .[2] * .[3];
    #           Only checking for up to W * H seconds             #
    #   There might be more clever things to do, to first check   #
    #       vertical and horizontal alignement separately         #
    reduce range($W*$H) as $s ({ b: ., bmin: ., min: sig, smin: 0};
      .b |= (map(.[2:4] as $v | .[0:2] |= (
        [.,[$W,$H],$v] | transpose | map(add) 
        | .[0] %= $W | .[1] %= $H
      | (.b|sig) as $sig |
      if $sig < .min then
        .min = $sig | .bmin = .b | .smin = $s 
      end | debug($s)
    | debug(
      #    Contrary to original hypothesis that the easter egg    #
      #  happens in one of the quandrants, it occurs almost bang  #
      # in the center, but this is still somehow the min product  #       
      reduce .bmin[] as [$x,$y] ([range($H)| [range($W)| " "]];
        .[$y][$x] = "█"
      ) |
      .[] | add
    | .smin + 1 # Our easter egg step

    And a bonus tree:

  • Day 11

    Some hacking required to make JQ work on part 2 for this one.

    Part 1, bruteforce blessedly short
    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -f
      [inputs] | recurse(map(
        if . == 0 then 1 elif (tostring | length%2 == 1) then .*2024 else
          tostring | .[:length/2], .[length/2:] | tonumber
    Part 2, some assembly required, batteries not included
    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -f
    reduce (inputs|[.,0]) as [$n,$d] ({};     debug({$n,$d,result}) |
      def next($n;$d): # Get next           # n: number, d: depth  #
          if $d == 75                    then          1
        elif $n == 0                     then [1          ,($d+1)]
        elif ($n|tostring|length%2) == 1 then [($n * 2024),($d+1)]
        else #    Two new numbers when number of digits is even    #
          $n|tostring| .[0:length/2], .[length/2:] | [tonumber,$d+1]
      #         Push onto call stack           #
      .call = [[$n,$d,[next($n;$d)]], "break"] |
      last(label $out | foreach range(1e9) as $_ (.;
        # until/while will blow up recursion #
        # Using last-foreach-break pattern   #
        if .call[0] == "break" then break $out
          all( #     If all next calls are memoized        #
              .call[0][2][] as $next
            | .memo["\($next)"] or ($next|type=="number"); .
          .memo["\(.call[0][0:2])"] = ([ #                 #
              .call[0][2][] as $next     # Memoize result  #
            | .memo["\($next)"] // $next #                 #
          ] | add ) |  .call = .call[1:] # Pop call stack  #
          #    Push non-memoized results onto call stack   #
          reduce .call[0][2][] as [$n,$d] (.;
            .call = [[$n,$d, [next($n;$d)]]] + .call
      # Output final sum from items at depth 0
      | .result = .result + .memo["\([$n,0])"]
    ) | .result

  • re:10

    Mwahaha I’m just lazy and did are “unique” (single word dropped for part 2) of start/end pairs.

    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
         inputs/ "" | map(tonumber? // -1) | to_entries
     ] | to_entries | map( # '.' = -1 for handling examples #
         .key as $y | .value[]
       | .key as $x | .value   | { "\([$x,$y])":[[$x,$y],.] }
    )|add) as $grid | #           Get indexed grid          #
      ($grid[]|select(last==0)) | [.] |    #   Start from every '0' head
      recurse(                             #
        .[-1][1] as $l |                   # Get altitude of current trail
        (                                  #
          .[-1][0]                         #
          | ( .[0] = (.[0] + (1,-1)) ),    #
            ( .[1] = (.[1] + (1,-1)) )     #
        ) as $np |                         #   Get all possible +1 steps
        if $grid["\($np)"][1] != $l + 1 then
          empty                            #     Drop path if invalid
        else                               #
        . += [ $grid["\($np)"] ]           #     Build path if valid
        end                                #
      ) | select(last[1]==9)               #   Only keep complete trails
        | . |= [first,last]                #      Only Keep start/end
    # Get score = sum of unique start/end pairs.
    | group_by(first) | map(unique|length) | add

  • Day 8

    Al lot of grid index shuffling these past few days! Not too difficult yet though, will this year be gentler or much harsher later?

    Part 2 code in JQ
    #!/usr/bin/env jq -n -R -f
    [ inputs / "" ] | [.,.[0]|length] as [$H,$W] |
    #----- In bound selectors -----#
    def x: select(. >= 0 and . < $W);
    def y: select(. >= 0 and . < $H);
    reduce (
        to_entries[] | .key as $y | .value |
        to_entries[] | .key as $x | .value |
        [ [$x,$y],. ]  | select(last!=".")
      ] | group_by(last)[] # Every antenna pair #
        | combinations(2)  | select(first < last)
    ) as [[[$ax,$ay]],[[$bx,$by]]] ({};
      # Assign linear anti-nodes #
      .[ range(-$H;$H) as $i | "\(
        [($ax+$i*($ax-$bx)|x), ($ay+$i*($ay-$by)|y)] | select(length==2)
      )"] = true
    ) | length