My producers dragged me to see ‘Barbie’ and it was one of the most woke movies have ever seen. My ful review of this flaming garbage heap of a film will be out on my YouTube channel tomorrow at 10am ET.

I normally post news on here but this picture is legit hilarious. Mods feel free to delete if not appropriate 😹

  • astronaut_sloth
    2 年前

    Which is really sad. What “conservatives” are representing isn’t even conservative at all; it’s just regressive, authoritarian non-sense. Conservatives (real ones) have an important part to play in a properly working political system (which we don’t have in the United States). Ideally, we’d have a a progressive party and a conservative party; the former looking for reforms anywhere they can, even to the point of burning down the system, and the latter urging caution and ensuring the stability and safety of the system. Instead, the U.S. has a conservative party (Democrats) and a fascist/regressive party (Republicans). So, instead of moving forward with caution, we’re moving backward.