• @KimJongGoku@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    You can’t make this up…

    So I tried to look up the top image and all I could find (besides this exact same meme posted over and over again by conservative idiots) was articles about the image seemingly showing that those poor laborers in the image are actual fucking Wehrmacht prisoners of war in the USSR. The stories also literally describe how they were treated fairly well, some quotes:

    Wolfgang Morel recalls that he was treated very well in Soviet captivity, and warmly recalls the time he spent in the Red Army hospital in Vladimir. ““They treated us like their people.”

    [He] recalls how once he was offered to go to the anti-fascist school.  “I didn’t hesitate for a long time, because I actually treated Russians very well after all that they had done for me. Mentally, I increasingly went over to the side of those who captured me, ”admits Morel.

    “I always remember Vladimir. Vladimir is the second homeland for me, ”said Derr.

    For comparison: German atrocities committed against Soviet prisoners of war

    The only fucking thing these dipshits get right is that they identify with the nazi soldiers

    • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      good work with the research. I remember a similar meme years ago showing a Nazi mass grave sight and blaming the communists. Its more Nazi false equivalence nonsense.

      I remember having to listen to and rehash holidomore. Something that was meaningless constant noise, only to find out at the start of this war that it was an overly funded Ukrainian Psyop all along.

      I’m sure there’s plenty of teenagers left eager to wage the struggle against this endless deludge; for me, its just the howling of an old man who long ago lost his credibility and dignity. The US and the West is quickly losing it’s prestige, and as it does all the crazy things we think matter less and less.

      It’s like fighting on the winning side of a war that’s already won. Who cares that the West are idiots? They don’t matter anymore. That reality is the real point we should be pushing on ourselves and those outside of Marxism Leninism.