
He/him. Chinese born, Canadian citizen. University student studying environmental science, hobbyist programmer. Marxist-Leninist.

  • 406 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2020


  • Truthfully, people only put up with pocket because Google is worse. It does have a silver lining in that it shows Mozilla’s true colours which we should never forget or let them forget. They’re still Western libtrash bordering on fascism, but ✨open source✨. Even ignoring their political stance, the even worse thing about them is the fact that they are a for-profit corporation posing as a nonprofit. They treat their developers like shit just like Google, have an internal attitude of management knowing better about the direction of their software than the people writing them just like Google (their devs have repeatedly spoken out against Mozilla’s direction to no avail), their management still hoards the organization’s capital and there is a massive wage disparity between the CEO and board and the workers just like Google, they barely pay their workers while management makes millions not including bonuses just like Google, and their position in open source allows them to leech off the free work of community contributions not to mention direct donations from people who don’t know any better. Mozilla is bourgeoisie trying its absolute damnedest to convince you they’re not. They are not leftist in any capacity, a lot of the developers and other proletarians who work for them are I’m sure, but certainly not the organization. Pray for the day when we have a truly leftist and libre software group and Mozilla dies along with Google.

  • Sounds similar to simplified Chinese. Which was intended to, get this Orwell, increase literacy in a country where the vast majority of the population at the time was totally illiterate, and to, shocker of shockers, increase access to information by the common citizen. The exact opposite of Newspeak.

    And of course the Chinese supremacists (yes those exist, I’ve interacted with them as a Chinese person myself) hate Simplified Chinese because it’s “destroying culture”, it’s not, and I shit you not this is a real argument I’ve heard at least once: “The Chinese script we know now was historically for the royalty and nobility. The commoners had their own scripts similar to how hieroglyphics was only for the Pharoh in Ancient Egypt. It’s disrespectful to the history and culture of China to mess with this.” Might be why HK and Taiwan didn’t adopt it?

  • This is what I call the paradox of revolution.

    Things that are generally agreed to be good (with a few vocal “”“critics”“”) and was gained at least in part through revolution, riots, or other violent societal pressure by the people:

    • Every single modern republic that was won from the old absolute monarchies.

    • Freeing slaves

    • Women’s rights

    • People of colour’s rights

    • LGBTQ+ rights

    • The paradigm that a criminal defendent is innocent until proven guilty

    • Freedom of religion (and the freedom to not believe in a religion)

    • Ending the holocaust and the Axis Powers

    • Five-day work week, child labour prohibition, and other worker’s rights

    • Almost all of the other major legal protections and regulations we enjoy today

    BUT, any more revolution, no matter how good the cause, is unacceptable. Obviously.

  • Personally, I think she shouldn’t be on YouTube for a completely different reason. The internet is actually unsafe for children that young and there are a lot of disgusting pervs on YouTube. You’re not supposed to be on social media till you’re 13, and I think even that is too young, a safer age is probably 15 or 16.

    And as we’ve seen here, if you’re from a country the west hates, you’re a target. Even if you’re a child. Not against people in the DPRK posting to YouTube, obviously, but for their safety it should be limited to full adults only.

  • Failure to provide your child an extremely low risk and proven to be safe over many decades preventative medicine for a horrible deadly disease that affects not only your own child but everyone around them, and barring any allergies or other conditions that legitimately exempt your child from receiving it, should be considered a textbook case of child abuse under the law and an instant “you’re not fit to be a parent” ruling with foster services getting involved. I’d even say this is not just child abuse but negligent homicide/attempted homicide of both your child and anyone else they come in contact with.

    There is no room for tolerance of antivaxxers here. It takes just one antivaxxer to potentially kill hundreds or thousands of people, or in the worst case set humanity’s medical advancement back decades. You take the proven safe vaccine, period.