• Water Bowl Slime
    131 year ago

    I understood them as saying “Chinese people aren’t interested in a random foreign book so why would it be banned anyway”

    Their perspective makes sense to me. Streisand effect and all that

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      121 year ago

      Except the fact that Orwell is very well read by Chinese people along with Huxley, Hemingway, Dostoevsky, and a myriad of other foreign authors. You will commonly find foreign books recommended in schools, not even just as curriculum, but just as material for students to broaden their horizons.

      Hence the revolting “Western Superiority” attitude that Chinese people are nationalistic and closeminded, and don’t care about foreign books. When ironically, that is exactly how Americans are.

      • Water Bowl Slime
        51 year ago

        That makes me wonder whether OP really did go to college in China. Maybe they went to an anglophone one in Hong Kong or Taiwan. (Or more realistically they’re just lying on Reddit)