• @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
    31 year ago

    They are a part of the Slavic people. That’s just another word for the greater Russian civilization. As a word its older than race theory and modern Western Civilization, and the word “slave” for that mater. The word “slave” comes from viking human traffickers who made a fortune abducting Slavic peoples and selling them to the Western aristocracy.

    • No disagreements here. My point is that western Europe doesn’t consider them equals, they are just flattering them to fight Russia. Just like the Greeks were screwed over by the EU, so will Ukraine (this has already started).

      • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
        31 year ago

        Yeah Europe doesn’t care about Ukraine anymore than they care about Yugoslavia or Georgia. It’s funny how quickly so many people decided Ukraine was important after knowing nothing about it. They’ll just as quickly move on. Ukraine is Poland’s Poland to Europe.