Switched to a new case design and, for once, kept the mini 2 dB whip antenna that came with the board – all my other nodes have an SMA connector with 5, 6, and (supposedly) 10 dB antennas. Has a 2000 mAh li-po inside. Quarter for scale.
Forgive the shoddy print: I’m still tuning my 3D printer. My larger cases turned out great, but this smaller one warped like crazy Will hopefully have a better print of that case soon. I don’t have any red filament, but I’m probably going to paint the buttons red to give it a ThinkPad motif.
Edit: For anyone curious, the case is the Alley Chat HT Pocket designed for the Heltec V3 board. There’s two variants: one with an opening for an SMA connector and one without.
Very nice! I like the pager style with clip.
Thanks. Yeah, I went through a couple of different cases and finally realized that I like this one best for an everyday carry. Anything with an external antenna was proving awkward. My only complaint with it is that there is literally no room left in the case for any extras (GPS, rotary encoder, etc). But, if it’s going to be linked to my phone anyway, then those aren’t really necessary.
I’m looking at a few other cases that will hold all the extra bells and whistles and plan to make a more capable/standalone device for when I go camping, etc. Trying to not buy a T-Deck, lol.