Is it “fuck you got mine” when you’re already burned out from work and your uncle that you don’t like asks you to unfuck his computer for free? You buy little pastries because you get a guest and your mom taught you well, spend 3 hours unfucking his PC that his new stepchildren fucked and all you get in return is a k thanks bye. And a few months later you get the request to unfuck his PC again and sit there like “why would I do that?”.
It’s free labor lol, what do you expect? I’ll point you in the right direction and answer questions as best I can, but I won’t do it for you.
If I setup something a little complex on your behalf, say a Minecraft server, then I’m also on the hook to continue maintaining that thing indefinitely. Theres only so much time in the day /shrug
Big “fuck you i got mine” energy here.
Is it “fuck you got mine” when you’re already burned out from work and your uncle that you don’t like asks you to unfuck his computer for free? You buy little pastries because you get a guest and your mom taught you well, spend 3 hours unfucking his PC that his new stepchildren fucked and all you get in return is a k thanks bye. And a few months later you get the request to unfuck his PC again and sit there like “why would I do that?”.
It’s free labor lol, what do you expect? I’ll point you in the right direction and answer questions as best I can, but I won’t do it for you.
If I setup something a little complex on your behalf, say a Minecraft server, then I’m also on the hook to continue maintaining that thing indefinitely. Theres only so much time in the day /shrug