This is a question I’ve been meaning to ask for a very long time.


  • Syria (ruled by Assad of the Ba’athist party, which seems to be a form of Arab Socialism)
  • Nicaragua (ruled by a Socialist party, surprised they haven’t went the China route already… but then again they’re within the close proximity of Usonia, so I guess it makes sense)
  • Nepal (So many Communist Parties + Already ruled by one, it would be a huge shame if it doesn’t turn Socialist or go that route)

There are likely other countries too that has the potential to turn Socialist/Leftist, like Peru; but I don’t know much about them so I didn’t put them in there. Sorry about that. But anyway, which country do you think will be the next/Sixth AES country?

  • Could be, but then again, not everyone has the luck and cunningness of Castro.

    Actually, I’m surprised that the three letter agency haven’t invaded Cuba now that nature has claimed Comrade Castro. I mean, it’s not like I want Cuba to be invaded; but it’s shocking, as CIA had a really hard time trying to remove him and Cuba with him (at the time) from the picture.

      2 years ago

      Cuba is too hardened to foreign interference at this point I think. 50 years of constant attempted failed colour revs and coups makes people strong and firm in their convictions.