Kind of amazing how many instances are blocking lemmygrad as soon as they’re created. I know that liberals really don’t like dissenting opinions but goddamn

      1311 months ago

      the lemmy team was right to tell that person to go pound sand back then, and they would be right to do it again.

      That “nothing has changed” is wrong., which is the instance the person was referring to back in 2021, is not positioned as the flagship or official instance, just a FOSS enthusiast and generalist instance.

      By the nature of federation you can’t control what instances people will make. You can’t prevent anyone from using Lemmy to host their own website, not even the devs can. Best you can do is not federate with the instance you don’t like.

      I remember dessalines saying back then that people on mastodon just like to complain and these things never go anywhere, and he’s right, they don’t. Lemmy is still strong 2 years later and nothing about the software itself is problematic like this person wants to claim. I mean, I hate the notepad++ dev’s state dept opinions on foreign affairs, but I still use the software lol

      That original thread incredibly manages to be so irritating lol, it’s so self-righteous and self-flagellating.

    • loathesome dongeater
      1211 months ago

      If you look at Mastodon and Mastodon adjacent services, the mainstream is full of self-righteous imperialist liberals but despite that there is still a healthy section of genuine anti-imperialist instances which thrive and provide safe spaces even though there is some degree of ostracisation. So that tweet is not surprising at all. I am more surprised to see westerners not having brainrotten takes.

    • comfy
      11 months ago

      No, it looks like is driving people away from the software Lemmy, because they have ethical issues about not censoring Lemmygrad’s userbase and the devs’ ideology.

      As it says on the homepage sidebar, isn’t a flagship instance, and I’d expect better from an account calling itself They’ve just thrown Beehaw and and all the others in the same bucket.

      711 months ago

      God this thread pissed me off, I used to have to block so many of these shit head liberals when I was on Mastodon. Love uncritically accepting statements from “politically neutral human rights groups” such as fuckin uhhhh Amnesty International

      611 months ago

      I’m not overly upset. Such people are the ones who make most of the rest of the internet unusable and are the reason that I don’t use most of the rest of the internet. It is a shame that some will be put off based on rumours. But we’ve got to expect that; it’s the propaganda machine in action.