I thought companies could bribe through the legal system, so why not licenses?

  • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
    52 years ago

    Copyleft licenses have largely remained untested in courts. It’s surprising that Oracle hasn’t made a shell company, violated its own GPL license, then thrown the court case to create precedent that GPL is unenforceable.

    • Ora
      52 years ago

      IANAL but I think that in itself would get thrown out. I remember from my media law class that after so many jokes about Fox News on the Simpsons, they sued Fox Entertainment and the rolling in the case was essentially “You can’t sue yourself”

    • AmiceseOP
      -22 years ago

      Yep. I thought they would have done it too.

      It’s very depressing though; copyleft licenses could easily be overthrown. :(