Had a lot of fun with a flashlight in the woods. Many mushrooms literally glow when a little light hits them, they are very easy to spot this way!

Does anyone have some ID?

Warted Puffball (or Devil's Snuffbox :D)

Warted Puffball (or Devil’s Snuffbox :D)

Beefsteak Fungus or Poor Man's Steak (I'm not making these up)

Beefsteak Fungus or Poor Man’s Steak (I’m not making these up)

Some kind of Hypholoma

Some kind of Hypholoma

  • Seth
    57 months ago

    wow these are beautiful!

    • @d3m0nr4v3r@feddit.deOPM
      17 months ago

      And this is only with my fairly crappy phone camera. Imagine what you could do at night with a good camera and some nice lighting!

      • @MycoBro@lemmy.world
        17 months ago

        I have hundreds of mushroom photos people mistake for professional photos all the time. Not because I’m a natural photographer or any shit like that, it’s just mushrooms are so goddamn charismatic that they speak for themselves very loudly.