This year’s winter-to-spring transition in my part of zone 4b was rough and the garden is looking haggard because of it, so I took a cruise through last year’s photos to find something to share as my first post. Absolutely cannot wait for this year’s snap peas- something about the plants just delights me.

These are Oregon Sugar Pod II and Mammoth Melting. This year I added a few other varieties to the mix (Admiral, SS 141) as well as the Swedish Tall Red* just to see what happens.

Happy growing!

*a dry/shelling/field pea

  • manny_stillwagon
    2 years ago

    Yeah, this is my first year really gardening and the thing I keep thinking is “oh, this is why famines have plagued the entirety of human history. I get it now.” It’s really easy for all of your food to just… vanish.