• SalamanderA
    172 years ago

    This feels like one of those chain messages that we would get on Facebook asking us to do something like posting “I don’t give permission to Facebook to use my data”. Except that this time it is actually true!

    I have added “_nomap” to my SSID and now I have to read the manual for the wifi extender, which by default appends _EXT to the SSID 🙄

    I would much rather see a “_yesmap” opt-in policy!

    • Gritty
      52 years ago

      I shouldn’t have to do this, plus google says other services may require different naming scheme.

      “Each Location service provider operates independently. Other providers can see the SSID method of opting out. We encourage other providers to respect the “_nomap” tag as a way to opt out from inclusion in a Location server”