• @fossilesque
    3 months ago
    • Baked in advertising and telemetry.
    • Resources hog.
    • Desperate attempts to get you to use Edge.
    • Decides to auto install bloat for you and continues to do it throughout its life cycle, like their AI cooilot and Dev Home.
    • Fresh installs are filled with bloat incl services.
    • Decides that it knows what you want to do better than you.

    My laptop just had a hardware failure and I’m borrowing my partner’s and had to uninstall the same bloatware 2-3 times today on a new profile (literally shit like ads for software downloads, solitaire and the MS Office extended universe). The rage is real. I usually use tools to strip windows if I need to use it, but I can’t on this one.

    Here is the tool I use. It’s a 10/10. https://github.com/LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools

    • @fossilesque
      13 months ago

      Update: Pulling the trigger, this shit is literally slow enough to make it unusable. I am doing him a favour at this point.