Hi all,

Please post and update generally static trade lists here in order to keep the community organised. Make sure to include relevant information, including country/region to the post. :)


  • @totoro
    22 months ago

    Location: Germany


    1. Yucca Elephantipes (I rescued a large very old mother plant, made cuttings from it and rooted them - now they are growing leaves).

    2. Pothos (wet sticks and leaf cuttings)

    3. Monstera Monkey Mask (rescued and rooting cuttings currently, have wet sticks and leaf cuttings)


    1. Aroids

    2. Hoyas

    3. Sansevierias

    These don’t have to be beautiful, since my Yucca babies are pretty but shabby. In fact, I love the shabby ones even more! :)