Wolfballs is not under Canadian Jurisdiction. Mr Justin and the entire Canadian government can lick my bawls. I will never share logs, database files, or anything but pictures of my butt hole with any Canadian government request.

While I advise you always use a vpn on wolfballs or any site never worry that wolfballs will submit to any data request from the Canadian government as it relates to freedom protest.

That is all.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

  • goldenballs@wolfballs.com
    3 years ago

    Chan eil mi a tuigsinn na Gaeilge gu math.

    Carson a’ sgrìobhaidh thu sa’ Gaeilge?

    Cha sinn an IRA anseo, is ea!

    Out of interest, i have never been to mainland North America, and use a disposible mail via another disposible mail accessed via tor. I access in an Asian country using a disposible phone bought with cash in a third country, using a non-logd vpn in yet another country. What data is actually retained by wolfballs?

    • Masterofballs@wolfballs.comOPM
      3 years ago

      Not much. I left the logging as default. So it might show what you’ve clicked around on but no IPs. I should turn logging off completely.

      Private messages aren’t that private here. They are not encrypted. If you edit them though I cant see the edit history so its better to edit your text than click the delete button if you want to completely remove stuff.

  • goldenballs@wolfballs.com
    3 years ago

    Please share any requests you do get from the Cuntian regime so that we can rip the shit out of them. Hoping for some meme gold.

    Hopefullybthere will be ways of effectively banning Trudeau, and anyone associated with him, from safely travelling outside Canada.